I Need Help?

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Savannah's POV

So I've been here for a week and I'm already the teachers nightmare. I don't know how... ok I do but that's not the point. The point is they want to get me a counselor! Get this, HE'S MY AGE!! Like what kid my age COUNSELS people? Anyway I'm suppose to meet him today.

But better news is Dan and me are acquaintances... I guess? We talk and all but nothing much. Sydney tries to talk to me a lot but... she's so chirpy and wears a lot of skirts and shorts, were I like dark jeans and sweat pants. But yeah I made one friend. His name is Luke. I meet him on my first day and we both like the same music and he has a cool lip ring (mum won't let me get any piercings... and if I came home with one she'll rip it out like last time). But yeah that's it.

"MRS. WHITE! PLEASE COME TO THE GUIDANCE COUNSEL" the intercom yelled and I groaned. Well, hope this one doesn't go crazy like the last one. When I walked into the room, all I saw was some nerd kid and a bunch of posters... Talk about weird!

"Er.. Hi I'm here for counseling" I say to the nerd boy

He smiles "Hi I'm Ashton Irwin. Are you Savannah White? If so do you wanna start the program?" He asked

"Um yes, I am Savannah and what the hell is 'the program'?"" I ask

"A program for stopping drugs and violonce" He says say then I look at him

"Listen. I don't need help! I'm perfectly fine. I am fine by myself with no one. Even if you try, you won't change me. I can't be changed! I'm a punk or whatever you want to call me, but I am ME!" I say angry

He looks surprised "Savannah I don't want to change all of you.. I like the independences and confidences, I'm just going to teach you to be less violent and stop drug" He explains softly and sits back down.

I laugh dryly "You think I like being this way? Surprise bitch! I don't" I say threw gritted teeth

"See your already opening up" He says happily

"What the hell? Opening up? I just said I don't wanna be this way! You don't fucking know anything about me!" I growl and see a hint of fear in his eyes. Then I realize I'm probably not like anyone he's seen before.

"Savannah, that's why I'm here, to learn more about you and help you" Ashton says softly and I am beyond furious "I. don't. need. any. fucking. help" and with that I leave.

So much for counseling...

At Home

"Honey, how was counseling?" My mum asks when I get back and I look at her

"It was great" I lie and fake smile.I can't let her know that I er... stormed out and left early

"That's good!" she smiles and went back to the kitchen

Then my little sister, Alice came running and jumped in my arms "Hey Ali" I laughed and she kissed my cheek

"GUESS WHAT!" She laughed and I played along

"What?" I asked as she started braiding a small piece of my hair

"The doctors say my cancers finally clearing up!!" She says and I smile and kiss her cheek then set her down. She goes and runs off back to her room.

"I wish that was true" I mumble to myself and head to the kitchen to talk to my mum.

"Hey mum. When do you think Alice will get... better?" I ask and she stops a cutting and just stands there, her eyes watering

Finally she says "The doctors said maybe a year o two if she's strong enough" With that I slowly get an apple and say "She's strong enough... I know she is" in my head over and over again. "When I got upstairs, I put in my ear buds and fell asleep.

Next Day

"SAVANNAH GRACE WHITE! GET UP YOUR GONNA MISS COUNSELING" My mum screams at me and rips my covers off the bed

"How is that a bad thing?!" I grumble sitting up and I see my mum already left. "Ugh... it's Saturday" I groan getting out of bed and go to the bathroom for a shower.

Once I got out and did all my... lady thing. I went downstairs and say Alice and mum eating "Hey Savannah" Alice said and I smiled.

"Hey can I drive myself there?" I asked looking at my mum. I wanted to so I could skip this damn thing! I'm FINE on my own.

"No I wanna make sure you get there" She says and gets up "We can leave now" and I nodded, grabbing my phone and bag.

On the way there, my phone vibrated.

Dan: Hey Savannah! Since we are becoming friends, wanna hang out later?

Me: We aren't friends but whatever. After I have therapy tho. Ugh -.- but where and when?

Dan: Uh how about the park around.... 7?

Me: Yeah I guess see you soon. Bye

Then we were at hell. Oh yay

"Have fun sweetie. See you later" My mum said happily and I got out and waved her bye as she drove off.

I looked back at the building... "Here we go again..." I mumble walking in.

When I got to Ashton, he got up and I rolled my eyes "Now what?" I asked

"I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday. I was told I had to say that, so I did. Maybe we could start over, Savannah?" He asked holding out his hand and I shake it

I looked at him then his wall that had a small diploma "So you are a certified counselor.." I say and he nods

"Well kinda. I'm training to be one. You're my first client" He says proudly. Like that's a good thing and I sigh

"Well let's start and get this over with" I mumble and take a seat as Ashton gets out a clipboard. "A clipboard? Really?" I ask laughing

"Yeah! I had to write down my questions and answers somewhere" He argues and grabs a pen. "So.. um when did all this start?"

"Doesn't matter" I say simply. No way in hell was he gonna crack me

"Why don't you let people in, Savannah?" He asks and I tense up.

"I just don't" I say trying to stay calm and he sighs.

"Don't you understand I want to help you? And be your friend" He asks sadly looking at me...

"I don't need help or friends" I say simply and get up "Can I leave?" I ask and he shakes his head

"You've been here for 15 minutes!" He says trying to convince me to stay.

"Yeah! A USELESS 15 minutes. Ashton let's make an agreement" I say and he looks at me confused but nods

"I stay out of your way and you stay out of mine" I say and he looks flustered

"WAIT NO ONE MORE QUESTION PLEASE" He begged and I sighed. I sat back down again

"Go. One more" I say annoyed and he sighs relieved

"Will you give me chance at friendship?" He asks hopeful and I almost laugh then see his face

"Fine. As long as this 'therapy' shit stops" I say and he nods.

Well let's see how well this goes....

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