Last Chance

16 1 0

Savannah's POV

Ashton makes me SO angry! He can't just wake me up and leave me in the middle of the park. I could just scream. Why did I have to meet him? I just want to kick him so hard his-

"Hey Savannah" I hear Luke say behind me before I could finish my thought. I turned around and saw Luke walking up to me.

"Hey" I mumble and sit back down. I guess Luke saw how angry I was and sat beside me.

"What's up?" He asked as I shook my head. "Come on! I didn't sit here for no reason right?" He says and I rolled my eyes.

"Ashton" I said still angry and he sighed .

"Your therapist?" He asked and I nodded. "What did he do?"

"He wants to be my friend and know my story. No matter how much I ignore him or try to leave him, he still tries and pretends he cares." I say and Luke listens.

"Savannah... maybe he does care. He is known at school for caring about everyone" Luke says shrugging and I sigh

"I just wish I didn't meet him" I mumble and get up with Luke.

"Well I should be going. It was nice to see ya Savannah. Bye" Luke says and starts heading off

"Bye" I said and turned around and started walking back to my house, thinking about everything that just happened. When I thought about it.... today was really weird...

Then it started raining... Perfect, fucking perfect. I continued walking alone in the rain as I got soaked and then my clothes got really heavy. Today just isn't my day is it? Once I got to my house, I was completely soaked. Not a dry spot on my body.

"SAVANNAH! Why were you out there so long? Why are you completely wet??" My mum said glaring at me I walked into the house.

"Oh ya know. I sat at the park and when I started heading home, it poured down. Sorry. It ruined my clothes" I say rolling my eyes. Thanks for caring, I'm just standing here freezing.

"Ugh Savannah! Why can't you just do anything right" My mum sighs and I walk upstairs and change into pajamas.

I sit on my bed and just lay there thinking. Maybe if I got into a fight this week I'll get kicked out. Ok tomorrow at school. Simple. Throw a punch and kick. Then I'm gone.

I sigh and lay down. I lay there for a while just thinking and finally slip into a deep sleep.

Dan's POV(Earlier that day)

I got it! Just.... accept her right? Then we'll be friends.

"DAN!" Phil yells at me as I snap out of my thoughts

"Huh?" I ask confused and he sighs

"I asked what do you wanna do. Truth or dare or just vlog about school?" He says

"Truth or dare! I'll tweet about it now" I say getting my phone out and making a fast tweet about it.

"So... what were you thinking about so hard?" Phil asked smirking and I shrugged

"Nothing important. Hey did you get a new camera" I say trying to change the subject. He doesn't need to know my plan.

"Dan. Don't change the subject. Answer me! Where you thinking of someone?" Phil asked with a bigger smirk and I shifted uncomfortably

"" I stutter trying to make it not noticable.

"Dannnnnn" Phil pouted and started begging for me to tell him what I was thinking about. "Please Dan!!"

"Ugh fine. I was thinking about how to make erm Savannah my friend" I say and Phil smiles a wide smile.

"I KNEW IT!" Phil yells fist pumping into the air. "Wait why were you thinking about that?"

"I want to be her friend! She needs help Phil. I want to help her" I say and he smiles

"SOMEONE HAS A CRUSHHHHH" he sang and I groan

"I don't have a damn crush Phil! You know I like Syd" I say and he laughs

"Dan... Buddy.... She's out of your league" Phil says and I roll my eyes

"Fuck you" I say annoyed

"You know you wanna" He smirks and laughs.

~~Savannah's POV~~

I woke up to my alarm yelling and realized it was Monday.

"Fucking great" I mumble getting out of bed.

I got my clothes and took a shower. After I got dressed I went downstairs and didn't see anyone. That might have over slept?

I went to Alice's room and couldn't find her. I went to mums and only found a note....

'At hospital. Call if you need anything. Won't be back till tonight.'

"Ugh perfect." I groan and get my stuff then leave for school.

When I got there, I was late. Well now I have to hear shit from the teachers

"Miss White! Why are you late?" Mrs. Wofford, my math teacher, demanded

"Because... I'm late" I say sitting down in my normal seat.

"You know what Miss White? GO TO THE OFFICE!" Mrs. Wofford said angry and pointed to the door.

I rolled my eyes and walked out. When I got to the office I saw my principle there.

"Savannah... What is it now?" He asked

"Mrs. Wofford got mad because I was late" I say shrugging and he sighed

"What are we gonna do with you?" He asked and I sat down.

"What do you mean?" I asked not liking where this was going.

"You can't keep doing this. I'm sorry to say but if you get sent down here one more time. We're sending you to military school" he said


"You can't just keep acting this way. Why do you think we got you a therapist?" He said and I walked out

"I'm not going to therapy and I'm not going to a fucking military school" I yell angry before slamming the door.

I know one thing.

I will NOT go to a military school.

~~~Authors Note~~

Hello! So this is a short chapter. Sorry but they will probably all be like this from now on =(. Parents got made and so yeah not allowed on my computer till the end of summer. Someone shot me 😑🔫. But yeah hope your summer is great and all.

Bye lovelies


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