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~~Savannah's POV~~

I walked home smoking and trying to make a plan to stay out if boarding school. I guess getting kicked out isn't a option anymore. Maybe I could be really good? Ugh I can't. I always seem to get into trouble. I wonder if that girl Sydney would help me.... Yeah maybe. Or I could actually.... Go to therapy. Yep Sydney it is.

"Hey Savannah!" Dan said running up to me. He glanced at my cigarette but didn't say anything.

"Dan" I mumbled and his face fell a little by my tone I guess.

"Come on. It's only Monday.... Ok yeah it's Monday and it sucks but cheer up." He says

"Dan. I'm fine by myself remember?" I ask and he nods, "I like being by myself too. Sorry for being rude.... Not really but leave" I say. I'd rather just think right now and not talk

"Oh come on. We're almost at our neighborhood now!" He says and my head snaps toward him

"You live in my neighborhood??!!" I ask annoyed

"Yep! Two houses down" he says happily. Why the hell is he so cheery...

"Whatever" I say and continue walking as he follows.

Once we got to his house he kept trying to hug me.

"I DON'T LIKE HUGS!! GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I shouted as he did the puppy eyes.

"One?" He begged and I rolled my eyes.

"Never. Tell. Anyone. Only one okay?" I say and he nods and runs to me then hugs me tightly as I grumble cuss words and try to push him off.

"They're worse then I remember" I mumble to myself.

"Bye Savannah!" He says and goes up to his house.

"I hate this school so much" I say and walk to my house.

When I walked in I saw my mum crying and Alice trying to comfort her.

"Mum?" I asked as I walked in closer and I saw a piece of paper on the counter. I picked it up

'You have failed to complete your job. This is just to let you know. You're fired'

I stared at it a while as my mum continues crying.

"I.... I don't know what happen.... It was so good then... Then I got this note!" My mum sobs

"Mommy please stop. It'll be okay. I promise." Alice says trying to get her to stop.

I set down the note and just kinda stare at the wall. I couldn't believe my mum got fired. It was all we had.

"Mum... What are we gonna do?" I ask

"Savannah, I... I don't know. But I'll start looking for a job. All I need is for you to stay strong and look for one too." She whispered

"I have to get a job...?" I said shocked. This absolutely sucks

"Yes you do" she said looking up "We are not gonna lose this house. Am I clear?" She said sternly. Wow one second broken the next army general.

"Yes mum" I said getting an apple.

"Now go. Start looking. And take Alice with you." She said and I nodded and got shoes.

"I'm ready!!" Alice said at the door. She is really excited. "Come on Savannah!"

"Geez I'm coming" I groan grabbing my phone and following her out.

"Can we walk??" She begged and I have her a confused look.

"Why don't we take the car?" I asked

"Because I wanna walk" she says starting to pout.

"Ugh. Fine" I groan not wanting to make her scream till we walk.

"Yay! Thanks Sav!" She says hugging me as we start walking.

"Let's just go" I mumble and she kept tugging at my jacket. "What?" I asked looking at her.

"Piggy-back ride....?" She asked and I groaned but nodded. I bent down at she crawled on my back.

"Happy?" I asked as she smiled and nodded.

We started heading down town and then we past a frozen yogurt store. I regret that now

"SAV! WORK THERE. LETS GO I WANT SOME. IF YOU WORK THERE I COULD GO A LOT MORE!!" Alice starts saying until I finally agree to go there.

As we walked in, the place wasn't that busy. But I noticed one person. The one person I did NOT want to see today.

"ASHY!!" Alice shouted

~~Authors Note~~

Hello. Sorry for this shitty chapter :/ but I just wrote it today so don't hate me. But yeah how is everyone?

Also yes I know it's a bad chapter and if there's bad spelling. Don't say anything.

Bye lovelies


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