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~~~~Savannah's POV~~~~~~~

After staying and cooked some lunch for me while mum was at worked, I headed to the park to meet up with Dan. I was kinda curious about what he was up too.

When I got to the park, I found Dan talking some people near a tree. When I got closer I realized one was Sydney from class.

"Hey Dan" I said as I walked up and he turned and smiled.

"Savannah! I was worried you wouldn't show up," Dan said relieved and then the people he was talking with came out. "I wanted to introduce you to some of my friends." He said

"Hi I'm Phil," A dark headed boy who resembled Dan said "And I think you already know Sydney" Phil said and Sydney waved.

"Um hey" I say and look at Dan and glared "You didn't say you were bringing other people!" I say annoyed. I'd honestly rather be home right now.

"Hmm you wanted some alone time with this?" He said smirking and I gagged as he burst out laughing.

"I'm kidding. But I thought you should meet some friends" He said shrugging as I sighed.

"Ok. I don't need friends" I say annoyed "And I already have a friend I guess" I say. Luke... technically my only friend. Which may I remind you, I'm fine with!

"Me?" Dan asked hopeful and I shook my head. He pouted and asked "Who then?"

"Luke" I say simply shrugging and then Sydney gasped... what the hell

"Hemmings?" She asked and I nodded "Stay away from him. He's not a good guy" She says warning. I laugh

"Why not?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "He's the only one who doesn't care about my record" I say

"Because he isn't a good influence" She says seriously and I almost laugh. Who said I was a GOOD influence?

"So I'm a good influence?" I ask and she sighs and shakes her head. She opens her mouth to talk but nothing comes out. "That's what I thought" I say and look at the time.

"Ok bye. I guess I'll see you guys at school. I don't want to worry my sister. I only told her I'd be gone for 30 minutes" I say rushed and run back to my car and I hear muffled goodbyes.

At Home

"ALICE!" I scream as I slam the door. I hear little footsteps down the stairs then Alice is running towards me.

"SAVANNAH! I was worried. I thought you got hurt!" She rambles as she hugs me tightly. I laugh

"Alice, I was just with some friends" I laugh as she calms down. "How about I go make some dinner?" I ask knowing mum wouldn't be back for another couple hours.

"YAY!! Can we have chicken?" She asked and I nod. "Thanks!!" She screams happily as she runs to the living room. I headed to the kitchen and started finding my ingredients.

"Ok now I just have to put the chicken in the oven and wait for about an hour" i mumble to myself as I put the chicken into the oven and then the doorbell rings.

"I GOT IT!" Alice screams and runs to the door... or as fast as she could considering she has cancer. Why is mum here so early?

"Hey who are you?" I hear a familiar voice ask Alice

"I'm Alice! Who are you?" She asked. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks... Ashton was here....

"Um.. I'm Savannah's friend, Ashton" He said. That bastard! We aren't friends! Why the hell is he here?

I walk in there to see Alice staring up at Ashton and him smiling down at her. Finally he noticed me and his smile got bigger... if that's possible.

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