Arguemnts And Radios

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~~Savannah's POV~~

"Why are you so late??" My mum asked me as I walked inside.

"I had work." I mumble and grab a apple.

"Really. Work is from 9 am to 8pm?" She questioned.

"I stopped by the park" I say rolling my eyes.

"Just don't do it again. Ok?" She said and I bite into my apple.

"Whatever. Sure" I grumble and Alice ran in.

"SAV!! GUESSSS WHATTTT!" She screamed happily.

"What?" I ask her.

"MUM GOT ME A RADIO!!" She yelled happy and I smiled at her.

"Any CDs?" I ask. She quickly nodded and pulled out 3 CDs.

"I got some music I found on your iPod." She said proudly and I froze. I grabbed the CDs and looked at them.

"Green Day... You said you didn't like them" I say raising my eyebrow. She shrugged.

"Well, that was when I was little. I like them now." She explained.

"That's good." I say and look at the rest. "All Time Low.... Sleeping With Sirens. Really Al? You use to hate them" I say and she takes them back.

"Like with Green Day. I grew to like them." Alice says and skips back to her room.

"Mum, I thought you hated those bands... You said they were a bad influence" I said looking at my mum. She shrugged.

"Well it's not like she'll remember them when she's your age." She said shrugging and what she whispered shocked me the most. "If she even makes it that long"

I was fuming mad. How could she say that about her daughter?!

"You're a shitty mother you know? You forced me to get a job because you can't hold on down then say that you don't think your daughter will live!" I yelled and she looked shocked.

"Don't take that tone with me missy. I raised you. And I didn't say she wouldn't live. I said she might not!!" My mum screamed back.

"Oh yes you did!! And you didn't raise me! You only cared about Alice and taking her to the doctors! You left me at home. And you wonder why I act like this. You made dad leave. Because of nothing. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON HIM I SAW YOU" I yelled. At this point I was yelling whatever I could think of.

"Savannah. Go to bed. Now." My mum said sternly and pointed upstairs. I rolled my eyes but left.

I laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling. After a while I heard music from my sisters room. I walked to her door and listened.

"DONT WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT. DONT WANT A NATION UNDER THE NEW MANIA!!" I hear Alice sing loudly along. I guess she does like them.

"MIND FUCK AMERICA" I heard her scream and decided I should tell her not to cuss...

"Hey Al?" I say and she turns down the radio.

"Yeah Sav?" She asked me.

"You know that word you said.... Fuck?" I asked awkwardly and she nodded.

"Yeah it's my new favorite word!" She said proudly and i mentally face palmed.

"Well it's not a good word..." I say and she gave me a confused look.

"I hear you say it a lot." She complained and I sighed.

"I'm older" I try and reason

"So?" She sassed. Oh god... "Just because your older doesn't make you better."

"Kinda does. It means I'm more mature" I say shrugging.

"Yeah.... A mature girl who is oblivious to her feelings!!" She said putting her hands in the air (like she just don't care. Sorry)

I stared at her blankly. What the hell does she mean


"Good night Al" I say leaving and I hear her yell at me as I leave

"DONT RUN AWAY FROM YOUR FEELING!!" She screamed at me as I got to my room.

I laid down and sat there thinking for a while until I finally fell asleep.

~~Author Note~~

This is just a chapter I wrote when my grandma was yelling at the tv and yeah sorry. It's really bad but eh oh well. I'm gonna try and update every 2-4 days or less ya know... And make them longer so yeah. Bye guys

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