Not Again

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"ASHY!" Alice shouted


~~Ashton's POV~~

I was just eating my frozen yogurt and heard a girl scream Ashy. I looked over and saw a happy Alice and a frustrated Savannah. Alice ran over to me.

"Ash! I didn't know you would be here. CAN WE SIT WITH YOU?!" She said fastly.

"Oh uh yeah?" I said unsure if Savannah would allow it. She does hate me.

"Please Savannah" Alice begged giving Savannah puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine. But I'm going to go get a job application." Savannah said and waked away.

Alice looked at me, "So what's up?" She asked casually. Why is she like this? Doesn't she know her sister hates me?

"Uh nothing. You?" I said.

"Planning a wedding" she said smiling widely and I looked at her confused.

"Oh who's?" I asked her and her smile turned into a evil smirk. Oh crap...

"Yours and Savannah's" she said proudly and my eyes widened

"Want!? Me and Savannah aren't even friends! She hates me." I say and she looks down.

"I think you guys are the perfect couple" she said quietly and I sigh.

"Listen I understand you want us to be together. But we... We aren't friends or much less have feelings for each other" I calming and she nods then whispers something.

"What?" I ask.

"Not yet" she says still quiet and then Savannah came back.

"Hey Al! Guess what" she said to Alice as she sat down.

"You got me a unicorn made of cotton candy?!" She said excited and Savannah gave her a weird look.

"Uh... No. I got the job!" She said and Alice hugged her.

"So we aren't gonna loose the house??" Alice says and Savannah nods.

"Wait loose the house?" I asked after listening to them.

"Uh... Hey let's go get frozen yogurt Al." Savannah says dodging the question and they get up and leave.


~~Savannah's POV~~

I left because I am not gonna involve Ashton in this!

"Hey are we gonna go sit with him again?" Alice asked me and I shook my head.

"No. I'm sorry we need to go" I say and she looks down but continues making her cup.

Once we were done I bought our yogurt and left.

"Damn Al. Yours cost $7.56!" I say and she stuffs her mouth.

"ITS $7.56 OF DELICIOUSNESS!" She laughs with her mouth full. I laugh at her as she tries not to drop any.

On the way home we continued laughing and eating out ice cream. About half way, I saw Luke and some other boy at the park.

Luke saw me and waved at me. I smile and wave back.

"Who that?" Alice asked eating a gummy bear.

"Oh a friend" I say shrugging. "His names Luke" I point at him

"Blondie?" She said staring at him and I nod. "Who's the Asian?" She asked me.

"Uhm I don't know but I've seen him in some of my classes" I explain and she nods.

As we were walking I didn't realise Luke was walking up to us with his friend.

"Hey Savannah." He said and I nodded

"BLONDIES HERE" Alice shouted and stuck her hand out. "I'm Alice. Try to make a good impression so when I'm princess I don't be-head you (I'm sorry I suck at spelling)."

He chuckled at her and shook her hand. "I'm Luke." He said

"Who's your friend?" I ask Luke.

"I'm Calum. Calum Hood." He says smiling

"Savannah." I say. Talk about awkward. We're just standing here...

"Well nice meeting you people. We're leaving. I want to go home." Alice said pulling at my hand.

"Bye!" They both said and we trend around

"Way to be nice" I say to Alice and we walk away.

"They'll be bowing down to me soon." She said getting an evil glint in her eyes.

"Perfect. Fucking perfect" I mutter as my yogurt fell.

"HAHA... I mean oh that sucks" Alice says holding in laughter and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go home" I say and we headed home.

~~Authors Note~~

Hello lovelies!

Sorry for this shitty chapter I wrote it just now. I'm sorry I haven't been writing. I've been busy and all. I PROMISE TO UPDATE MORE! If I don't you can all slap me.

But anywhore how is everyone?

Am I the only one or does anyone else love Alice?? I think it's her attitude

Bye lovelies

~E ❤️

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