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Thomas Jefferson POV

She's gonna be okay.
She's gonna be okay.
She's gonna be okay.

I repeat this to myself to, somehow, convince myself that she will be. My breathing is uneven. My hands are sweating. My heart is racing. My mind is filled with nothing but fear of what's happening.

"Mr. Jefferson, you may come in now."
She's gonna be okay.

The doctor lead my to her room. I see my wife as white as snow. Her eyes almost lifeless.
She's gonna be okay.

"Amelia, my sweet, you're going to be just fine. We'll have you fixed up and we'll go home and raise y/n. Together."

I started crying mid sentence. I don't want to think of what is happening in front of me. My wife is dying and I can't do anything about it. There is no man to blame. No sicknesses to cure. Just her, not being able to handle the immense pain of childbirth. She had always been a frail woman but always pushed to get to her limit. This may be it.
She's gonna be okay.

She looks up at me and says
"Where is she? Where's my baby?"

Her voice is horse. The screaming from earlier could have cause that.

"I'll go get her for you. Hang on."

I go to the nurse who was watching the baby. I ask to grab her and realized that this is the first time I've ever seen my beautiful daughter. She her mother eyes and my skin. She's small but we can show her that size doesn't matter. I went over to Amelia who was barely keeping her eyes open.
She's gonna be okay.

"Here she is darling. She's just as beautiful as you are. She'll be one fine lady when she's older. Just like her mother."

Amelia took the child and cradled her in her arms. Her face is one of joy and sadness at the same time.

"Why the long face darling?"

"I'm just sad she won't ever see me again. I'll be watching over her to see how she's growing of course but can you make sure she knows that mommy is always there for her?"

"No no no no no. Y-you'll be able to s-see her grow up. You're gonna f-feel better in no time! I'm not leaving you ever Amelia!"

I start to sob when I see that she has already come to grips that's she won't make it. She has tears in her eyes as well and once y/n wakes up and starts to cry too, Amelia sings her a song.

"You are my sunshine, my lovely sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away."
She's gonna be okay.

Y/n fell back to sleep and Amelia hands her over to me.

"Promise to take care of my sunshine for me Thomas. Don't let her down."

She closes her eyes and goes silent.

"No no no no no no! Amelia! Don't leave me! You can't go just now! We are just starting a new chapter in our lives! Please! Please don't leave me love..."

The doctors lead me out the room as I take one last look at the love of my life. Gone. Forever. But as I wipe away tears just to have more come down my face, I see my daughter. The promise I made with Amelia will not be broken. I will be there for y/n. She'll be my ray of sun in my dark, cloudy world. 
She's gonna be okay.

Authors note: New story! Where my Hamilton fans at? Btw if you couldn't tell, Amelia is the name of Thomas's wife in this. If your name is Amelia, too bad. The next chapter will be out later so stay tuned. Byeeeee

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