Chapter 2: Escape the Flake

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I sat on the bed imagining all of the potential scenarios that could unravel at that very moment the door opened. Suddenly, three knocks could be heard from behind the entrance door. I found myself startled.

A really ugly woman's voice could be heard saying "room service."

I breathed a sigh of relief as I stood up and reached for the door (little did I know, that that woman was just Paul impersonating the voice of a female.) Opening it was a horrible decision. I turn to face four band mates who were enraged, concerned, saddened, und so weiter. Just then, Flake immediately kicks the door open. I managed to back away before I could get hit by the swinging door.

"Oh um. Hello guys." I awkwardly say before I am immediately shut down by death glares.

Wow, that sure is a nice way to respond to hello.

Oliver was the last one in my room. He closes the door and stands in front of it.

Scheiß I can't run out like last time.

Flake and Richard had their arms crossed. Paul seemed very anxious. Oliver, like always, seemed calm. Things were quiet for a few minutes.
I break the silence and asked, "What are you guys doing here?"

Flake gives me a clearly annoyed response. "Well, should we tell him? What do you think, Till? This isn't the first time you do this."

Richard adds input and says, "Till, we can't afford to be wasting time like this. You can't keep running away from us. Just please, answer this. Were you drinking yesterday?"

I back away a bit. I feel a mix of emotions. Who do they think they are? Yelling at me like I'm some kid. Why do I feel so aggressive right now? Why do they even care? They should be more concerned about Richard's smoking problem. I step back a bit and feel the room move around. My hangover hasn't left. I look at my band members and feel sweat begin to form at the top of my forehead. What is going on with me? Why am I suddenly anxious around them?

I remain silent before answering, "What?"

Flake is now visibly furious. His ears were a bright pink and his eyebrows were lowered. His words turn from parental to flat out anger. "Till, don't play stupid with us! You were drinking again, weren't you?"

I couldn't believe it. He sounded like such an angry wife. I sarcastically smile and say, "If I was, why does it matter?"

Richard groans and puts his hand over his face. He turns away from me. Flake glares at me. I could feel his anger radiate around the hotel room. I hate it when he makes that dumb face. It makes me feel guilty about hurting him.

Paul approaches me and says, "You know why it matters. We care about you, Till. We don't want to see the Haifisch music video become a reality. No one wants you dead."

Instead of feeling guilt, I found myself quite annoyed with all of them. I know they mean well, but I'm not some ignorant kid. I can take care of myself. Fuck, I HAVE been taking care of myself. I stay silent once again. Another voice can be heard from the back of the door. This time, it actually is room service. I reach for my phone and put it in my pocket. Oliver moves out of the way for the lady to go through. My initial reaction? Run, of course. I immediately jump to my safety and run out of the hotel. I find a taxi and get in right away. I am not dealing with this right now. I tell the driver to drop me off at some bank. I pay him, and I run out. I quickly withdraw 200 euros and find the nearest convenient store. I go into the store and buy some necessities. Those being: a toothbrush, toothpaste, tissues, deodorant, some snacks, a charger, earphones, pencils, and a notebook. I also got myself a backpack to hold all of these items. I purchase my things and open them. I throw my trash out and shove all of the items into the black backpack. I am probably going to be on the run for quite some time.


Song: Eisbrecher - Dein Weg


Originally written: March 6, 2018

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