Chapter 5: Mission Failed

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"Have a good day." I say to the man in the car as he leaves.

I walk into the gas station and start stocking up on more necessities. As soon as I finish paying, I'll get back on the road. I cannot deal with delays right now.

"Here's your change, sir." says the unimpressed cashier who hands me my money.

I quietly thank her and walk away. On my way out, I catch a glimpse of a black van. The tires screech as they make their way towards me. I freeze as several people run out from the van.

"Omg it's the lead singer of Rammstein!" screams one female.

"Can we take a few pictures with you?"

"He's so much cuter in person!"

I couldn't help but blush. I feel very embarrassed. Not just that but these women are sehr schön. I allow for some pictures. I begin to walk away from the group, but something strange happens. They offer to take me to Saarbrücken. I decline, but they insist. I felt bad if I were to refuse. I decide to join them.

Who would have thought I would soon regret that decision.

An hour into the drive, I receive a call from Paul. I hesitate for a moment. Answering this call could lead me into some sort of trouble, but then again, it's Paul. I answer the phone, only to be bombarded with the fangirls freaking out over hearing Paul's voice.

"Till, where are you?"

"I'm in a van with some girls."

"Maybe I should be on the run too!" Both of us just laugh at how ridiculous that statement was.

"Can I talk to Paul?! Please!" screams an overly obsessed fangirl. I hesitantly pass my phone over to her as she walks to a separate part of the van.

Adrenaline begins to fill my veins. This lady better not give Paul any information as to where I'm going. After impatiently waiting, she comes back with my phone and a huge smile on her face.

"Danke Till! I never knew how nice Paul was!"

I reach for my phone and see she already hung up for me.

Just a few more hours until I'm in Saarbrücken.

I force myself to be patient with these intrusive women. Many asked personal questions like "What happened between you and your first wife?" or "Is it true that you have a drinking problem?" or "How did you feel when Richard had a child with your first wife?" I did my best to dodge questions like this. I did not feel comfortable with talking to others about problems I had.

-hours passed

"We're here-!!!"announces the blondie with a huge smile.

Everyone seems to be relieved and happy. I get off the van and say my goodbyes.

"Tschüß!" they all say with a horrible pronunciation. I just smile and quickly make my way someplace else.

I made my way to the nearest hotel. I decided walking would be better since I did not have the money to be throwing around. Also, it had been a while since I last saw Saarbrücken. I look around me and admire the beauty this place has to offer. It took about an hour or so for me to find a place to stay. Lucky for me, I'm not too known here. Let's hope I can buy myself some time and stay here longer.


"Do you have any available rooms?" I ask as I begin to search around for my wallet so I could pay up front.

"Yes, we do. Does it matter which floor?" imquired the lady.

"No no. I would prefer if it was on a lower floor level though." I reply as I get out my wallet.

"The closest one we have is on floor 5. Is that okay?"

"Yeah that's good. Thank you." I say as I hand over money just for one night. She calls over a frail male to her side.

"Show this nice man to his room" she instructs and hands him the keys. Not a word was said from the man. I look at him and feel this indescribable feeling. This man reminds me of someone.

"Here's your room, sir. Enjoy your stay."

Flake. He reminds me of Flake. I miss everyone immensely, but nothing can be done to revert what I already did. Like they say, "Time's arrow neither stands still or reverses." The more I think about it, the more depressed I become. I'm sure they've given up on me by now. I've caused them a lot of problems. I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped and gave up. I open up my room door and stay motionless for some time.

Is this how I want to live? Running away from my best friends and drinking until I can no longer wake up in the morning?

A wave of emotions hit me as I soon realize how much of a careless asshole I am. If they really didn't care, then why do they constantly bombard me with messages? I have to do something about this. I need to change. I reach for my phone in my back pocket. It begins vibrating, and I pick up.


"Hey, Till." says a familiar voice. That damned drummer. What does he need?

"Christoph, huh. You need something?"

"No. I need to tell you something though. Flake is not doing great. I know you hate it when others tell you what to do. That's why I'm doing my best to stay out of this, but everyone misses you, especially the poor guy. At least reconsider it."

"Es tut mir leid, Schneider. Ich muss gehen. Auf Wiedersehen, mein Freund." I say before hanging up.

I don't want to hurt them, but they're better off without me.

This...this hotel...there's a bar nearby. The urge to drink overpowers my conscience as I grab my wallet and go.


Quick German lesson:

*Es tut mir leid=I am sorry
*Ich muss gehen=I must go
*Auf Wiedersehen=Until we see again (equivalent to bye)
*mein Freund=my friend (mein is used for more masculine nouns)

Originally written March 29, 2018

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