Chapter 7: What Happened

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"Okay. Thank you lady!" I turn and face my friends with a huge smile plastered on my face. "I know were Till is going." Everyone's face lit up with hope and relief.

"So, where's he going then?" asks Richard who is clearly impatient.

"Saarbrücken. Why? I have no clue, but I have an idea that he plans on leaving Germany altogether." I say to the others.

"Well, what are we waiting for? An invitation? Come on let's go already!" exclaims Richard as he begins packing his things.

"Hold on. We need to think here. We have to find a way to confront him without freaking him out." I say with a hint of worry in my voice.

"We need to be calmer than last time; that's for sure." Oliver replies with an exhausted tone to his statement.

It had been a while since we last saw Till. Who knows what he's planning. All of us grab our necessities and head on out to go find Till. Schneider had called Flake earlier. Flake explained the whole situation to him. I overheard the two and found out Schneider did care. He just didn't care enough to get involved in Till's mess. It's understandable.

"So, are we ready to go or what?" questioned the lead guitarist with a hint of sassiness in his voice.

All of us shook our head in unison and made our way to Saarbrücken.


We had been on the road for quite some time. We stopped every once and a while to get a bathroom break and/or food. All of us barely spoke to one another. I felt compelled to say something, but I didn't. Flake seemed to be the worst at that moment. He kept fidgeting and looking out the window. Normally, he does his best to remain still. It was evident that he wasn't okay.

"Hey, Flake." I ask while approaching him as much as I could. After all, we are in a moving vehicle.

"Hmm? Oh, ja?" responded the anxious individual.

"Is everything okay?"

"Ja. Everything is okay. Don't focus on me though. We have to find Till." He reassures before returning to looking at the window.

"If you say so Flake." The silence persisted as time went on. Before we knew it, we were finally in Saarbrücken.


We drove around slowly and scanned the area. He has to be looking for a hotel or something.

After a few minutes of driving around, Flake perked up and shouted,"T-THERE!"

All of us turned to face what Flake was pointing at.

It's Till. He...wait. Where is he going?

"Hold on. Let me find a place to park." Oliver states before we reach for the door handles. We spent almost 20 minutes trying to find a place to park our car.

"Is there seriously no parking here?" complains Richard.

"Ollie, why not just leave us by the bar while you find a parking spot?" I compromise with the bassist.

Oliver agrees and drops us off while attempts to find parking. I turn to face the keyboardist. Flake's face was red. I assume he's angry at where Till went in. A bar. Fuck, Till. Is this really necessary? Flake did not say a word to either of us.

"Flake, don't get upse-"

"HOW CAN I NOT BE UPSET, RICHARD? Look, I'm sorry. I hate being this emotional, but Till is my friend. I don't want him ending up dead because he can't control himself." Richard remains motionless and in shock as I pull Flake into a hug. He bursts into tears and embraces me harder. I feel so sorry for the guy. He has a close relationship with Till. I feel that it's even closer than ours. Heck, it's almost as close as Richard and me. I let go of him and turn to face the other guitarist. Flake wipes his tears and begins to look down at the floor. I rub his back and give him a smile. He reciprocates and looks me in the eyes with a pained yet determined look. I nod at the two men. I grab Richard's hand and pull him into the bar. Both of us search in the crowded area. I see a somewhat tall and muscular man walk out immediately. It didn't process quick enough, but there he was.


Richard and I glance at one another and run after Till.

"Where do you think you're going?" exclaims Richard as he had grabbed Till's arm.

Till clearly was not having any of it. He screamed for Richard to let go. Flake decides to join in the reunion.

"Till, what the-! Why are you acting like this?" exclaims the frail man. Till, again, did not like having others against him. He swung his arm and knocked out Richard and managed to push me to the floor.

"Richard, oh mein Gott!" I rush over to his aid to see if he was okay.

By then, Till was gone and so was Flake. Oliver finally arrived and stood still; he was trying to process everything that had just happened.

"Here." Oliver grabs Richard and takes him back to the car. "Go after Flake, Paul. He shouldn't be alone with him." I didn't respond but I left almost immediately after he said that.



Richard and Paul get knocked down to the floor. Help them or lose Till? I choose to run after Till. I can't lose him. Not like this. He runs to his hotel room, and I follow after. The poor guy throws himself on the bed and vomits. My fists clench as I see such a pitiful sight. My fingers release as I calm myself. I...I can't be mad at him. I sit by his side and place my hand on his back.

"You'll be okay. I promise."

He mumbles something to me before he continues to vomit on the floor. I reach for my phone and call for the paramedics. I look over at Till again; his vomit began overflowing. I did not know how to help. I could not lift him considering how heavy he is. I had to wait and see what would happen until the paramedics came.


Yesterday had been a blur. Heart was racing, face was drenched in sweat, hands and legs were shaking. I don't know if my best friend is going to be okay. He is currently in the hospital. Nothing more has been said from the nurses however. I'll update when more is heard.


"You may enter the room if you want to." politely said the nurse as she opened and held the door for the four of us.

I walk in almost immediately and stay silent. He...he wasn't moving at all. I felt every bit of energy leave my body at that instant.

No...I...I failed him.


Originally written: April 11, 2018

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