Chapter 8: Amusements.

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OK. Right in we go xD


The soft music coming from the shared lounge at the end of the hall awoke you at first.

The time was 12:26, you had left yourself half an hour to be ready for the guys.

You decided on a simple outfit, T-shirt, jeans and hoodie, before brushing your hair and continuing out to meet the others.

Brigitte stood in the doorway to the lounge watching Hana play a basic racing game. She wore her usual slacks only slightly cleaner. Her T-shirt was worn through and clearly loved, her nails however had a fresh coat of nail polish on and looked very nice compared to her usual oil covered fingers.

Hana had finished her match and stood up, seeing you she called Lucio over and as a group of odd young adults headed out to the nearest arcade.

Hana and Lucio had clear intentions of gaining more prizes from the games and seemed competitive about who could get more. You and Brigitte just seemed happy to be out of the base for once .

As soon as you entered the younger pair ran off in excitement leaving you two alone.

"So... (Y/n)..." Brigitte stammered,"Mario kart?"

You smiled mischievously,
"Your on!"

You both ran around the arcade testing out all of the games and collecting tickets for prizes until you reached the last game. It was a small car shaped set up with two guns and a big screen.

Grabbing a weapon you posed dramatically causing the other girl to laugh at you.

In this said game you are supposed to work together to kill all the zombies on the pirate ship. It didn't make sense as a story but it was definitely a lot of fun to play.

You had both died before giggling to yourselves as you exited the booth grasping the masses of tickets you could cash in for a few prizes.

You ended up with a few candles and a small packet of sweets, Brigitte got some sweets and an inflatable hammer she said she would give to Reinhardt for a joke.

You both exited the arcade and texted Hana that you were heading home.

The sun was going down across the sea, the Gibraltar base had some beautiful views.

Walking along the pier, you exchanged stories of what you were doing before the recall and just had some nice chit chat as you wandered along the cliff side, almost at the base.

The sky had slowly shifted from red to purple to a glitter speckled blanket of black.

Brigitte had walked you to your door, knowing how on edge you were about moira being so near.

"That was great..." She smiled, "we should Maby do it again next week, just us... Maby like a date or something.. If your up for it?" She trailed off.

You froze up, unable to respond.

"I'm sorry, your probably not even into that.. I made it awkward didn't I?" She flushed red.

Gracefully you shushed her and nodded your head.

"I'm free this time next week if you wana go again?" You replied smiling.

"Sweet, so I'll come get you at 5? We can go get something to eat at the peir?" She beamed.

"Sure!" You yawned.

Brigitte almost glowed with happiness as she placed a soft Kiss on your cheek before saying she needed to go feed the cats. She disappeared down the hall, the warmth of her lips still lingering on your skin.

You turned and let yourself in, before closing the door and falling gently to sleep; happiness, the only thing on your mind.


You lucky ducks you... Two updates in the same sitting...

I wish my favorite writers worked like me...

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