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Louis woke up to the sound of loud whimpers and screams. He ran in the direction of the voice, that led to his bedroom. The sight in front of him broke him to pieces. Laying there was a whimpering, sweat covered Harry, shaking vigorously to get away from whatever he was seeing. 

Louis stood beside him, bending down and gently, being aware of his actions, placed his hand on Harry's forehead.

"Shh love... It's  okay.. I'm right here.. Shh.. Wake up love.." Louis tried soothing the boy. As soon as he felt the him waking up, he backed away because he knew Harry would be scared if Louis would touch him.

Harry opened his eyes and Louis couldn't help but feel pain in his chest at the site of the scared emerald eyes. Louis slowly moved forward towards harry, yet keeping a proper distance. Louis gave him his best smile he could manage in the moment, trying not to show his hurt. He took a towel kept besides on the table and gently dabbed on Harry's forehead to wipe the sweat. Harry flinched but let him do it.

"Hey love. It's alright. It was just a bad dream. You are safe. I'm never letting you go away now. I'll be there with you through the dark. I know you'll be alright. Whenever you're scared, just close your eyes, I'll be by your side anytime you're needing me, okay ?" Louis said lovingly, meaning each and every word that left his mouth.

He could see that a tear rolled down Harry's eye and he went forward to wipe it away with the pad of his thumb, feeling the creamy pale skin, as soft as a petal.

"Shh now love. No more crying. After today we are not letting any more of tears come out of these beautiful eyes, okay ?" Louis said smiling. Harry just nodded his head.

"You must be hungry. It's been long. I don't know how long it might have been since you had a proper meal. Why don't you join me in the kitchen while I make you a nice plate of breakfast ?" Louis offered. Harry just nodded his head while lifting the duvet from himself. He moved his arm but a loud screach of pain left his mouth.

"Oh my God ! I'm sorry !" Louis said, standing up and getting the duvet off of the boy.

"Love, do you want to sit here and have your breakfast or would you like to join me in kitch-" Louis was about to complete his sentence when he heard the front door open and somebody walk in.

"Good morning boys !" A female voice rang throughout the apartment. Within seconds a Alex came into the room with bags in her hand.

"Morning !" She chirped, looking happy as ever. Louis smiled at her. He could feels Harry trying to hide behind him. His heart hurt. It hurt not knowing what this innocent little soul had to go through to make him like this. To make Harry feel comfortable, Louis slowing looked in the broken green eyes and gave him his best smile, while trying to lighten the tension of the room.

"Good morning to you too Miss. I-will-invade-your-privacy-whenever-I-want !" Louis said jokingly, beaming at her. Alex fake- gasped, looking hurt.

"So much for bringing them breakfast" she said with a playful eyeroll. She took noticed Harry's body language. She walked towards him.

"Hello Mr. Beautiful-Curls. I'm Alex. Your soon-to-be best friend who is jealous of how perfect your lips are." Alex said, beaming at Harry. Harry seemed relaxed, until the mention of lips. Louis felt Harry's body slightly shiver beside him. He looked at the boy to who seemed like he is seeing a massacre of little children. Louis alertly placed his hand on Harry's, but Harry backed his hand away.

"Its okay love. We're here." Louis said while again trying to give his best smile. He had to be strong. For Harry.

Louis gave Alex a look  and she just smiled and nodded at him. She understands its going to take Harry some time. After all that he's been through, it will take him quite a while and she's ready for it.

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