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Last nights question that Kronos boldly asked was left unanswered. I ignored him and walked back up to my crowded bed.

I woke up, still upset on how he would ask that. He definitely would've felt it from wherever he was if we would've. I wanted to wait until I was married anyhow, and...I couldn't. I just couldn't let myself get to that point with Tobias. Kronos definitely has a huge part in that, the mate bond binding us together.

I got up from the floor, the kids all sprawled out across each other. I smiled, leaning over and kissing each of their foreheads. It's been a dream waking up to them. My eyes lingered on Lance, it hurt me. About how he felt, it made me realize that Kronos was right when he said I'd be a weak mate. If things weren't so crazy and Kronos and I had a normal mate relationship how could I lead a country of vampires? From what Benson told me on our journey, Natalia is the Supreme Witch.

She is superior to me and would rule effortlessly.

"S-sis," I heard someone say awkwardly, I turn around. Tooth brush in my hand and stuck in my mouth. I quickly washed out my mouth smiling up at Lance. He hasn't called me sis since forever, he used to call me momma but I know it's too soon.

He cleared his throat, rubbing his hair. "I-I'm sorry, Opal. I-I just saw you a-and him kissing and...I got so mad. Because he's taken everything single thing from us. I just don't want you to get hurt which sounds so dumb because I hurt you-" I pull him into a hug. I rub his back as he starts to cry into my shoulder.

"I know, I know. It's hard to understand. It's all so...stupid and confusing. But I promise, you're always my first priority. I love you so much." I said pulling him away and kissing his forehead. I wiped away his tears and gave him a smile. "Now get ready, breakfast should be done by then." He gives me a smile and pulls me into one last hug.

"He's not going away is he?" My shoulders sag at the question. I squeeze him tighter and shake my head no.


I held Tatiana in my arms as I flipped the waffle maker, popping out another fresh waffle. I smiled and looked down at my baby, kissing her cheek. She let out a squeal, giggling as I blew as raspberry on her cheek.

I gasped as I felt Kronos do the same, except his lips parted as he blew down against my neck. I jumped slightly, "Kronos." I warned, giving him a look. He smirked down at me his eyes black, I sighed and looked away from him. He's such a sexually frustrated man. I liked the feeling he gave me each time he touched me, but I didn't like the situation he's putting me in.

"What?" He purred as he leaned in to do it again, I moved away from him, grabbing the plates filled with breakfast food.

"Children. Just over there, and a wrapped one around my chest." I stated the obvious, to which he just gave me a careless look. "Kids! Breakfast is ready! Come down please!" I called out, walking to the table and placing the plates down.

The kids came down, Flo skipping to her spot and sitting right down. The boys came down a little bit after, they all thanked me and started eating. I smiled pulling out Tatiana from the chest swaddle. I put her in her own baby chair and put her little plate in front of her.

"Good morning, babies." I cooed to them, smiling down at them. They all laughed, the boys groaning playfully.

"Opal, we are not babies. Hey, Kronos you're lucky she's not as close to you she'll be babying you all day everyday." I blushed, squishing Landon his face to my chest. Kronos looked at my family, his eyes narrowing on Landon.

"She definitely has the mother gene in her." He answered smoothly, his eyes looking into mine with a black cloud of lust. I slowly looked away, a shiver slipping out from my lips.

Landon nodded, "Yeah. She's definitely such a great mom. For our first birthday without mom and dad she went all out. She was working like crazy so she can make it the best birthday party ever." He smiled momentarily. "Oh and," Landon chuckled. "I'm sorry about stealing from you...even though you kinda made us have to." I groaned.

Hiding behind my fingers as Kronos let out a deep chuckle. "I understand both sides of our stories. Mine is just filled with a bit of more truth."


I watched as the kids ran into the water. I looked over my shoulder, looking at Kronos as he spoke to Octavian and his mate from afar. The sky was turning orange, pink, purple, and blue. Swirls of each color painted across the sky. I plop down on the warmish sand that was beginning to cool off. I sighed and closed my eyes, Tatiana crawling on top of my chest and closing her eyes as well.

As I kept my arms around Tatiana and my eyes closed I thought about what Kronos was talking about with Octavian and Viveca.

I listened to the waves crash and all the kids laughing and talking in the water. I wiggle my toes in the sand and grow more sleepy each second that passes.

"We're leaving tomorrow." I open my eyes, Kronos crouched down his face hovering over mine. I furrow my eyebrows, i slowly sit up. My stomach flexing due to Tatiana laying on me.

"Excuse me? What do you think this is? I thought I made it clear, I'm not leaving back to the palace. I will not be second to Natalia. I will not break my family apart again." I said sternly looking him in the eyes with a firm stare. He looked back at me with the same type of intensity.

"You will listen to me, Opalescent. You think I'm going to let you stay with a pack of fucking lycanthrope?" His teeth were clenched but he spoke lowly, Tatiana in my arms asleep.

"The kids are comfortable, they've met friendly people. And they have a great education center for them, they don't hurt their feelings...it's safe here." I breathe out. "How can I listen to you when all you want for me is my destruction?" He laughed, shaking his head until he slowly stopped.

As the sun settled into the horizon his skin looked golden. The kids slowly came back to us. "We won't go straight back to the palace. That's finale. Now answer the question...or we'll leave right now."

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