Chapter Nine - Help

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June 9th, 2015
11:41 A.M.


Fuck off sub! I slid open my eyes to see Dr. Bishop and Mr. Capitani talking in a hushed tone but I quickly closed them again not wanting them to see me.

You tried to kill us both you greedy bitch.  She paced back and forth while squeezing two stress balls.

I had my reasons.

Yeah? Well what the fuck about me? Huh? There's a lot of shit that I wanna do in life!

Like what?

Go sky-diving naked.

Own two German Shepards, name one Harley and the other Quinn.

Catfish Anderson Cooper...and get a gawddamn tattoo!!! Normal shit, bitch! You are so fucking lucky we didn't bleed out!!

The only normal thing on that list was a tattoo.

She threw both of the stress relievers at me. Shut up! You don't get to judge me right now.

I decided to give her time to cool off and tuned into the conversation they were having. I felt my wrists bandaged.

"What's her problem?" He asked. She paused for a moment not talking.

"Don't look at me like that Haley."

"I should knock you on your ass." She snapped.

"Watch it." He warned.

"Or what? You'll kill me?" She scoffed.
"She's so fragile, this girl is half broken and half strength. You are hammering away at that."

"You think I meant for this shit to happen?"

"Don't even play the victim-"

"What is wrong with her?" His tone authoritative. He was young but the way he could speak to people in that manner made him seem much older.

"Medically? I told you already. That night, the alcohol she consumed and the anti-depressants caused her mental to almost crash. She was four point past the legal limit. We don't need another one of yours-"


"It would've made five. I know you didn't hurt those girls physically. It was one sided infatuation with them. So why her? She's obviously not who we know you need to find because there is no way you would've ra-"

"Damnit, Haley. I said enough." I heard her slap him after he yelled at her.

"Do not yell at me. You shouldn't even be here. There plenty of other things in your schedule than this Fun House."

"...what'll make her happy?" What'll make me happy? Not being here you idiot!

I didn't want to hear anymore deciding to open my eyes.

"You're awake." She smiled and walked over to me. I did not want to deal with this shit right now. I knew she would want to talk for a second. Let's get this over with.

"How long was I out?" I managed to get out despite the extreme dryness in my throat.

"Five days." She answered.

I wanted to ask the one question that could get me out of here.

"When...I was a pre-teen and I had moments like this, before the meds, I was admitted to a institution. Could that possibly be an option?" I asked hoping she'd work with me. She knew I shouldn't be here.

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