Untitled Part 17

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Something hapened.

I will be honest, this happened a little while ago. 

Ok guys, get off Natalie's ass. She apologised. 

I will admit, she hurt me a lot. She changed me a lot. But I feel like maybe she knew that I needed that change. My life was shaped around our "Little Anime Group". I did nothing but hang around THEM and couldn't really speak to a lot off people like how I spoke to them. After Natalie said what she did, I realized the friends all around me.

Just to "name" a few, Aceia, Maddy (Not Slapper), Valkyrie, Janet-ish, Tatiana, Sara, and a couple more.

I will say this though, I am happy Natalie said what she said, and said it all when she did. I found great friends like Aceia. But then I lost them. Then Natalie apologised and everything seemed to start coming back together. My life is looking up. 

JUST KIDDING. I have unburried the fact that I am antisocial to people that arent in that little group, I havn't been on stage for so long that I get shaky thinking about it, I have turned yeemo, and I don't feel like myself anymore... FML. At least my OLD problems are solved.


Just wait for college - Natalie

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