Chapter 10: An Infiltration

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Last chapter sparked some really great theories from you all. Should be interesting to see what the rest of the story provides. Chapter 10 time!

Chapter 10

An Infiltration

"Maybe we should think this through," Dawn said as Serena opened the door to the closet's exit. The honey blonde poked her head out, looking around to make sure that they were, indeed, alone. That seemed to be the case, with the kitchen area seeming completely quiet and empty. That done, she turned back to her friend, who was clasping Piplup in her arms. "I mean, we can't just walk right in as we are. That'd be weird."

"Lup," Piplup agreed. Serena had to, as well. Judging from the guards that were right outside the landing platform, guarding the airship with hawk-like security, there was no way they'd be able to even leave the airship without being caught in seconds. That would preclude any sort of progress they were looking to make. Serena put a finger to her chin, and then remembered exactly where they were, shifting her eyes over to Dawn, a smirk on her lips. The bluenette shared in that smirk.

"Well, we can always dress up," she said. A small giggle escaped Dawn's lips, and they both moved down the rack of clothing, looking for what seemed to be female uniforms. Serena pulled one off the hanger, looking it over for just a second. She was glad to see it was nothing like Jessie's uniform from years past, with no midriff; it just meant less complications in hiding her own clothing. Although, the reminiscence did make her wonder whether she'd run into her magenta-haired rival inside the base at all.

Taking the clothes off the hanger, Serena began to pull the skirt up, bunching her skirt and blouse to make sure it would all fit properly before sliding the shirt on and placing her hands inside the gloves that came with it. Dawn had done much the same, with Piplup diving inside of the shirt in order to be hidden. It looked odd on the young woman, who laughed nervously. Dressed in the clothing, both of them swiped hats from the top of the rack and placed them upon their heads, making sure to stow their rather identifying hair beneath the caps.

"Gotta say, we look pretty good for Team Rocket agents," Dawn admitted, winking at Serena. She laughed in response, finding the whole thing rather funny in a dark way. "Let's hope it works for them. Probably should, compared to..."

Dawn's trailed off response told Serena just what she was about to talk about, and the little smile on her face dropped off, though it wasn't like she was mad. Instead, she decided to take it all in good humor. "We should be fine. Ash would just run in, Pikachu and all the others right with him. Instead, we're going to be sneaky and see how much information we can gather."

"No need to worry, I guess," Dawn breathed out, patting at where Piplup was and then nodding to Serena. They were finally ready to infiltrate the base.

Feeling certain of this, the two women turned and finally left the closet, striding as confidently as they figured any member of Team Rocket would on their own ship. It was still utterly nerve-wracking to Serena, trying to hold the self-assured gait of any member of Team Rocket. Dawn looked just as nervous, walking stiffly next to her as they proceeded for the exit of the airship. It came sooner than expected, but both held their heads high and walked down the ramp to the landing platform. As soon as they touched down to it, they felt the cold air of the canyon wash over them, its rocky precipices looking harsh and uninviting.

"You guys are late! What took so long for you grunts to get off the ship?" barked a harsh voice. Serena and Dawn both snapped to attention, staring right across at the two Team Rocket members that were guarding the entrance to the base on the platform. One was glaring angrily at them while the other addressed them. "Weren't there three of you on Doctor Zager's protective detail?"

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