Part 12

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Characters: reader, Kurt (Steve), Grant (OC).

Summary: Almost three years have passed since that unforgettable night you spent with a mysterious man in a snowy cabin. When Steve unexpectedly walks back into your small town, a lot has changed for you both. How will your time apart and Steve's uncertain present affect the possibility of a future together? [Canon, events take place shortly after CACW]

Warnings: Fluffy fluff and stuff! Mild angst perhaps?

Word Count: 3.4k

Song Inspiration: The Night We Met by Lord Huron

A/N: Domestic Daddy!Steve is everything and I'm ecstatic that you all love him like I do. Plenty of more fluff coming your way! Grant continues to steal all of our hearts and I wouldn't have it any other way. :) There's a bit of angst in here, and for good reason, so I hope it strikes the right note. Please let me know what you think of this part!! I love to hear your feedback. Thank you all so much for being so lovely. I adore you. <3Also there's a reason why I'm posting twice this week and then not for a few weeks, I'll be in Europe! :) So I'll be back to posting Mid-April, if all goes as planned. 

Also, a note why I'm posting twice this week. I won't be uploading fics for the first two weeks of April because I'll be in Europe! :) I hope to be back to posting Mid-April, if all goes according to plan. I'll see you guys then! 



You bit your lip with a smile. "I say yes. How about Tuesday? I'm usually not needed then and I'll give the daycare center a heads up."

"Perfect," he uttered, pulling you close for a lingering kiss that was interrupted by your child bursting into the room.

Feeling giddy, you crawled out of bed and joined your little family in the living room. You had a date with the man of your dreams to look forward to. Again.


The weekend passed far too quickly for your liking. Having two whole uninterrupted days with your boys was absolute bliss. The rest of Saturday was spent cooking dinner as a family and more drawing before bed. Grant nearly had a meltdown when you told him sleeping was required, which would interrupt the drawing he loved, but you finally let him go to bed hugging his box of chalk as a compromise. Such a funny kid.

Steve and yourself spent some time cleaning the kitchen and picking up toys from the living room floor. Typically, you asked Grant to pick up after himself, but you let it slide this time. Turning off all the lights, you both prepared for bed and laid down side by side, not quite ready to sleep. You talked about the events of the day and plans for tomorrow, enjoying this new sensation of comfortable pillow talk.

Words eventually ran out and gave way to soft, sensual kisses peppered with quiet declarations of love and adoration. Clothing softly fell to the floor piece by piece, followed by intimate, slow lovemaking in a way that left you feeling happy and whole. You didn't know what you did to deserve this man, but every perfect moment was precious and you would never let yourself forget that.

Afterwards, despite how blissfully exhausted you were, you both purposefully slipped on clothes in anticipation of your two-year-old alarm clock's morning intrusion. You held each other a while longer, resisting the strong pull of sleep since you couldn't imagine any dreams that could ever be better than your current heavenly reality. Eventually, Steve's warm embrace enveloped you comfortably and slumber claimed you both.

Grant did not disappoint, his small body climbing onto the mattress to tackle you both at an unnecessarily early hour. You tried to encourage him to lie down between you, hoping for a bit more rest, but your son wasn't having it. He was up and ready for the day. What it must be like to have such enthusiasm for each day filled with exploration and new adventures. You caught glimpses of it, though, glancing over at the man you loved. Each morning brought something wonderful to your life simply because Steve and Grant were in it.

The Night We Met (Lumberjack!Steve AU)Where stories live. Discover now