Part 13

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Characters: reader, Kurt (Steve), Grant (OC).

Summary: Almost three years have passed since that unforgettable night you spent with a mysterious man in a snowy cabin. When Steve unexpectedly walks back into your small town, a lot has changed for you both. How will your time apart and Steve's uncertain present affect the possibility of a future together? [Canon, events take place shortly after CACW]

Warnings: Fluffy fluff and stuff! Mild angst perhaps?

Word Count: 2.8k

Song Inspiration: The Night We Met by Lord Huron

A/N: Whew! I'm back from Europe (*whines*) and trying to get back into the swing of things. Thank you all for your patience and support. We've got a few more parts coming! I hope you're ready. :D Can't wait to hear your thoughts, I always love your feedback! Love you guys! <3



"Steve?" you croaked. "Is everything—" you began to ask with a hint of panic.

"Everything's fine, sweetheart," he said with a smile. "Sorry to wake you, but I have to take care of a few things and I didn't want you to worry. I'll be gone a few hours, but I promise I'll be back to pick you up for our date around 9, okay?"

Settling your head back on your pillow, you caressed his bearded cheek. "Okay. Be safe. I love you," you muttered sleepily.

"I love you, too," he replied with a kiss to your lips.

Within moments, you were back asleep.


Waking up alone wasn't your favorite feeling after the past few days of bliss, but you had plenty to look forward to later in the day. Crawling out of bed as you heard Grant call out for you, you got him breakfast and readied you both for the day.

On Monday, you had called the daycare center so they would be expecting Grant. You dropped him off Tuesday morning around the same time you usually did for work and even wore work clothes to complete the facade. Although you normally didn't work Tuesdays, you still somehow felt like you were playing hooky. It just felt different now, as if someone was keeping a closer look on your comings and goings. However, Grant was happy to see his friends again, so you blew him a kiss and headed back home.

As 9 o'clock neared, you remember that Steve hadn't yet told you what the dress code was for this date, so you decided to wait. When he arrived, you had your makeup and hair done, wearing less than comfortable underclothing, but you had a feeling it would be worth the discomfort in the end.

You heard Steve stomp his boots on the porch and slip in the door right on time. He called out for you as he neared the living room. "Y/N, doll, are you ready to—" he began with a bright smile and cheeks pink from the cold. He stopped short then to see you not quite dressed.

"Remember that 'warning' I was supposed to get?" you teased, quirking an eyebrow.

Steve looked sheepish. "Sorry. Something really warm and comfortable is what I had in mind," he told you, then indicating to the snow pants, ski jacket, and hat that he was currently wearing.

You gave him a deadpan look. "Really? Guess I didn't have to do my hair..." you muttered, heading for the closet. Steve caught you from behind then, wrapping his arms around you and burying his cold face in your neck, making you yelp.

He laughed at your reaction. "You always look gorgeous, love. And it'll be worth it, I promise," he assured you. You believed him, but mostly you were grateful to hear him laugh and seem more himself.

The Night We Met (Lumberjack!Steve AU)Where stories live. Discover now