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Today started off like any other day. 

I woke up at half six so I could get a shower, straighten my hair, do my make up and then leave for school. I usually skip breakfast, I can never eat so early in a morning. I leave the house at round ten past eight so I can get there and have some time to hang with my girls.

I got to school and the girls were buzzing about some news that we have apparently been given just before I arrived. 

"New kids are coming tomorrow, Sharna." Jasmine said, filling me in on the news that I had missed,

"Good to know. Why is everyone so happy about this? More people get to come to the prison that is Hayfield School. It can't be that great, can it? We haven't even got a head teacher, for crying out loud!" I said. I really didn't understand why people chose to come to this school. I only did because my parents didn't see a point in giving me bus fair to go to a school six miles away when there was a perfectly good school that was a five minute walk away.

"Yeah, but apparently they are hot!" Lucy squealed. She always like the new kids if they were hot. She wasn't like those kind of girls who threw themselves at all the got guys, she would just gush over them to the rest of us. I remember when one of the boys came into our French class, we both looked at each other in awe. He was gorgeous. But now he was with the "popular" people. They always got the new kids. Everyone knew that.

"I don't see why everyone is gong crazy over them. The popular kids will have already called dibs on them anyway" Alice said. We were always on the same wavelength. She was practical. If things seemed complicated for the rest of us then she would put it into dummy terms. We love her.

Just then the bell rang. I wasn't too fussed. Me, Jasmine and Jess had a free anyway. First thing in a morning. Why they couldn't make a rule that said we didn't have to come into school until our lessons started was beyond me. I could have had an extra hour in bed this morning. It's pointless.

Jasmine and Jess were still talking about the new kids. They were far to excitable. They were like a dog, if you give them a ball they will be entertained for hours.

I decided I had had enough of their gossip so I put my headphones in and turned them up to the loudest they would go. The song that played was my all time favourite, Windows Down by Big Time Rush. The things I would give so that I could just meet them. They were all hot in their own way.

Kendell was hot with his cunning plans and caring nature.

James was hot, because he has washboard abs.

Logan was hot with his brains.

Carlos was hot because he was so spontaneous and funny.

If you put them all together you would have the perfect guy. 

Jasmine and Jess were sat there looking at me with smiles on their faces.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked. I didn't like it when they both looked at me with smiles on their faces.

"We were just thinking. You haven't had a boyfriend in a while. Do you plan on pursuing any of the boys that arrive? I hear there's three of them and two girls." Jess said.

"I don't want a boyfriend. They are more trouble than they are worth. To be honest, I am perfectly happy being single. Remember the last boyfriend I had? I had to ask permission to do anything. Even hang out with you guys. That's why I couldn't to Jasmine's sleep over, because Caleb said no. If I had gone anyway, it would have caused arguments." I said. They bought my logic and they understood. I don't like being controlled. If they control me then they can walk out the door and keep walking.

Arranged Marriage To A Vampire? (Edward Cullen FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora