Bad News

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Sharna's P.O.V.

I had been here for a week now and I love it. I haven't gone to school yet because the school year hasn't started yet. This would be fun. I didn't know anything that might help me in an American school. Alice tried to take me shopping but Edward managed to keep her away from me. Especially with the consequence would be no sex until the wedding night in two years.

"Sharna, we need to go shopping for school supplies!" Alice shouted up the stairs. 

"You know what size I am, you also know what stationary I need, get it yourself!" I shouted back. I don't know why I did because she would hear me even if I whispered.

I heard her stomp out the house and slam the front door. Edward came up to my room then. He had a weird look in his eye. 

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked.

"Alice had a vision. Someone you know is in this town. And apparently it isn't a good thing." He said. The only people I hated were Caleb and my poor excuse of a father. Who else could be here?

"Alice didn't get a good look at him in the vision, it was dark. Look until we figure out who it is, you don't go anywhere alone do you hear me?" Edward explained.

"Yes, if it's got you this worried then I will stay with you." I said. I didn't really want to find out who this person was if they got Edward this worried about me.

"I just don't want to lose you. I won't be able to get through not having you here in my arms. Or anywhere in this house. Where i know you're safe." He said. The pain in his eyes that was brought, just at the thought of living without me was enough to make me walk up to him and bring him into my arms.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere. If whoever this person is tries to do anything to me, I will give you permission to kill him. I don't want you thinking that you are going to lose me to anyone else. I am your's and you are mine. That's the end of it. I don't want to hear you saying that you might lose me to someone else. That will never happen. It's you I want to marry not anyone else." I said looking into his eyes. 

He could see the truth and the love in them. He smashed his lips to mine. I could feel his need but he didn't want sex. No, he just wanted a heavy make out session. I could do that. 

He licked my bottom lip, begging for me to open them. I allowed him entrance and our tongues met instantly. We groaned at the contact and he took me to the bed. We just kissed. We didn't need anything more than that. 

After a heavy make out session, we were both panting for breath. 

I couldn't help but think of a reason why someone would come to this town that I knew. Edward sensed my absence in mind. 

"We will figure it out, baby. I promise." He said. I could hear the conviction when he said that he promised.

Alice and everyone else came back. We were all sat in the living room watching TV. Emmett had football on and Jasper and him were getting into it.

All of a sudden a light flickered in my head. Alice had drawn the person's figure and it seemed familiar to me. I knew the person but I couldn't figure out where from. Now I did.

I froze in my seat. Jasper's head flicked towards me and he was in front of me in a second. Edward had gone hunting because the others had already been. 

"Alice, call Edward and get him here right now. He is the only one who can make her talk now." Jasper ordered. I could hear the southern accent more prominently now but I couldn't think about that right now. 

"He's already on his way." Alice said. Just as she finished saying that Edward was through the door and next to me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"We were watching football and all of a sudden she filled with dread and horror." Jasper explained. 

"Baby, talk to me, or think to me, please. I have to know that you're OK." Edward pleaded.

I couldn't even think straight. I was too scared.

"Jasper, calm her down." Edward ordered. I felt calm come over me and I could think again.

"Baby, what is it?" Edward asked.

"Remember Alice had that vision? And she drew the outline of the person who I apparently know?" I asked.

Everyone nodded.

"Well, I do know him. And it isn't good that he is here." I said. 

"Why not?" Emmett asked.

"When I lived with my mom in London, I had a boyfriend. Joe. He got really possessive much like Caleb did. He started to change and it wasn't good. Edward has seen the scars on my back from what Joe did to me." I felt Edward tense up. "It finally got too much for me. I knew that if I didn't get out of there soon, then I wouldn't do it alive. So I left. He stalked me for a while afterwards and when he tried to kill me, the police arrested him. He pleaded insanity and he got it granted. He is dangerous. If he can break out of a high security psychiatric unit and fly to America then what else can he do? If he is in Forks, then he isn't here for a social visit to see how life is treating me." I said. 

"What is he here for then?" Emmett asked.

"He's here to kill me, because I won't take him back after he did everything to me. That is what sent him over the edge the last time. If he finds out that I am with Edward then it is him or no one. If I don't choose him then he kills me. If he can't have me then no one can." I explained. Surely it was obvious.

"He's not going to touch you." Esme said. I could hear the threat in her voice and it was new side to Esme that I hadn't seen before.

"Alice, is he... Human?" I asked. For some reason I was dreading the answer.

"I don't know yet. I can't get a clear picture yet. He keeps changing his mind." Alice said.

"OK, I don't want to leave this house. He doesn't know where I am at the minute." I said. Even I could hear the determination in my voice. Everyone nodded in agreement.

There was a knock on the door. Carlisle went to open it.

"Carlisle," I heard someone say, it sounded like Tanya. I could hear the rest of her family talking behind her. 

"Tanya, please come in." Carlisle said. I could tell that they were hiding someone. But they seemed to think it was a good thing. 

"What brings you here, Tanya?" Carlisle asked.

"We ran into a person, who was asking to be changed. Said his mate was a vampire. We changed him and he gave us this address. But I brought him here to see if anyone here knew who he was." Tanya explained. 

They all moved out the way. I froze where I was.

"Joe?" I asked, unable to say anything else.


What's going to happen? :O Oh dear.

Well until next time, my lovelies :)

MrsCarlisleCullen17 <3

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