Stories that made us.

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When my mum got home, I refused to speak to her. Although I am happy that I have someone who would give me the moon if I asked for it, I wanted her to know that she couldn't control my life.

I was surprised to know that Edward would be sleeping with me tonight and every night until the night before the wedding. We hadn't set a date yet, I wanted to wait until I had finished high school. That way I didn't have to fake illnesses or things like that when I was changed into a vampire. 

I wanted to spend eternity with Edward. Rosalie has been keeping her distance from me but I don't know why. I don't think I have done anything wrong to her. Edward won't tell me what her problem is because it isn't his place to tell other peoples stories. I would have to ask her on the rare occasions that she would stay in the same room as me.

We were currenly sat in the Cullen's living room. There house was beautiful. It made mine look like a freaking shed! No joke! Rosalie got up and walked into the kitchen.

Edward, is she still in the kitchen? I asked in my head.

He nodded to me and I got up out of his lap. I walked into the kitchen where Rosalie was sat at the island.

"Rosalie, what have I done to make you hate me so much?" I said, right to the point.

"Hate," she snorted. "I don't hate you." She said, she paused for a second. "Sharna, I envy you." 

I was more than surprised. "But Rosalie, you're beautiful, anyone would be blind if they didn't think that." I said. I didn't understand how she could be jealous of me.

"Would you like to hear my story, Sharna? It doesn't have a happy ending - but which of ours does? If we had happy endings, we'd all be under gravestones now."

She had an edge to her voice, but I wanted to know why she envied me. I had no explanation myself.

"My parents were thoroughly middle class. My father had a stable job in a bank, something I realized that he was smug about - he saw his prosperity as a reward for talent and hard work, rather than acknowledging the luck involved. I took it all for granted then; in my  home, it was as if the great Depression was only a troublesome rumour. Of course I saw the poor people, the ones who weren't as lucky. My father left me with the impression that they's brought their troubles on themselves.

It was my mother's job to keep out house - and myself and my two younger brothers - in spotless order. It was clear that I was both her first priority and her favourite. I didn't fully understand at the time, but I was always vaguely aware that my parents weren't satisfied with what they had, even if it was so much more than most. They wanted more. They had social aspirations - social climbers, I suppose you would cal them. My beauty was like a gift to them. They saw so much more potential in it than I did.

They weren't satisfied, but I was, I was thrilled to be me, to be Rosalie Hale. Pleased hat mens eyes watched me everywhere I went, from the year I turned twelve. Delighted that my girlfriends sighed in envy when they touched my hair. Happy that my mother was proud of me and that my father liked to buy me pretty dresses.

I knew what I wanted out of life, and there didn't seem to be any way that I would't get exactly what I wanted. I wanted to be loved, to be adored. I wanted to have a huge, flowery, wedding, where everyone on the town would watch me walk down the aisle on my father's arm and think I was the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen. Admiration was like air to me, Sharna. I was silly and shallow, but I was content." She smiled, amused at he own assessment.

"My parents' influence had been such that I also wanted the material things of life. I wanted a big house with elegant furnishings that someone selse would clean and a modern kitchen that someone else would cook in. As I said, shallow. Young and very shallow. And I didn't see any reason why I wouldn't get these things.

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