I Have A Power?

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Sharna's P.O.V

I heard mumbling around me. I couldn't tell who was who. I felt Edward's arms around and I could feel him talking underneath me.

Just like how we met. There's no blinding light near me is there, like last time? I thought to him.

He started laughing uncontrollably. I opened my eyes and joined him. Everyone was looking at us like we were crazy. I thought I would clue them in.

"It's just like how I met Edward, wake up in his arms just without the blinding light." I explained. Everyone apart from the Denali's were laughing. They didn't get it. So Emmett went to explain what happened. It sounded hilarious now. But it wasn't at the time.

"Oh yeah, we need to tell you something." Edward said. 

"Go on, then." I said.

"We think  you have a power." Edward said.

"Hold on, a power? I thought vampires only had those." I said. I had a power? But what can I do?

"We thought that, too. But when Joe was writhing in pain, it was in sync with the way you were moving in your memories. All you wanted was for him to feel that pain, too. You wanted to make him feel everything that he did to you. You can project pain out to another person. But we don't know whether you can do it to a number of people at the same time. This is something we can work on when you have finished the change and are in control of your thirst." Edward explained. If that was my power then that is freaking awesome.

Think of the pain I can cause Emmett if he pranks me or Edward. Edward smiled at me, obviously hearing my thoughts. And where they were going. But I wanted to be alone with Edward, up stairs, in our room, in the bed, under the covers.

And with that Alice started giggling and Edward picked me up and rushed us up the stairs at vampire speed. 

"Use protection!" I heard Emmett shout. I was so going to get him. But at that point Edward started kissing my neck and I knew that I wouldn't be getting him back until later, then he started kissing down my chest and his hands were cupping my boobs. Ok, I wouldn't be getting Emmett back until a lot later.

About an hour passed and me and Edward had finished. We went back down stairs and they wanted to explain my gift.

"Eleazar will explain as he has more experience with identifying gifts. He has the ability to sense them and tell a vampire what they are." Carlisle explained.

Eleazar stepped forward. "You're gift is very simple to explain. But difficult to harness. You have the ability to project pain. Whether you have experienced the pain as you did with that poor excuse of an immortal earlier or just something you can think up. When thinking about it you must concentrate carefully on your intended target otherwise the rest of the people surrounding you would also feel that pain. Focus on someone who has annoyed you today and try to project and electric current going through them." Eleazar explained.

I focused on Emmett for his comment on being safe. He could tell and he seemed scared. I thought about an electric current running through his body like Eleazar suggested. He fell to the floor jolting and moving about. I focused on someone else who wasn't watching just to see if Emmett was pretending. Jasper fell to the floor. I was amazing.

"That you are." Edward said.

Everyone was watching me in awe while they were both writhing in pain. I stopped because I was getting tired. I didn't want to make myself faint again like I did earlier. That wasn't fun. That is the second time I've fainted this week!

"You're very powerful for a human, I must say." Eleazar said.

"So, when I become a vampire it will be stronger?" I asked. 

"Most likely. But we have two years to focus on that." Carlisle said.

"Yeah, wouldn't want me to miss school because of an 'illness'." I said sarcastically.

"You don't like school much do you?" Kate inferred.

"Nope. Hate it. Would rather go through years of burning than go to school." I said.

"Really?" Tanya asked.

"Yep." I said. I wanted to become a vampire as soon as possible. That was Joe didn't pose that much of a threat to me.

"You're right. He wouldn't. Maybe we should speed things up a bit." Edward said.

"Which part?" I asked. Vampirisation or marriage?

"The first one." Edward answered.

"What is with the one part conversation?" Irina asked. 

"They do it all the time." Rosalie said.

"I was saying that if I was a vampire sooner rather than later then Joe wouldn't pose that much of a threat to me anymore. That way, if I do end up facing him alone, I stand a chance against him." I explained.

"She's right. While she's human she has no chance against him. She knows his weaknesses as well. Which is important in battle." Jasper explained.

"You sound like you know what you're talking about." I stated.

"What has Edward told you about me?" Jasper asked.

"Not a lot. Just that you were brought into the vampire world a lot differently to him." I said.

"Would you like to know my story?" Jasper asked.


Gonna leave it there.:) the story will be in the next chapter :)

MrsCarlisleCullen17 <3

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