The Cullens are what now?

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I think I have just entered a nightmare. I think I just heard my mum say that they Cullens were vampires.

"Ok, nice one. Let's all make jokes for Sharna because she has had a hard day at school." I said and started laughing. I noticed the serious look on my mum's face. I knew she was serious She couldn't lie to save her life. "You're serious?" I squeaked. I could feel myself swaying. I could feel myself falling, just before I hit the ground I saw a pair of the most beautiful butterscotch eyes I had ever seen. Then blackness took over.

"How long Alice? I hate now knowing when she's going to come round." The voice sounded like an angel. I must have died from a severe head injury.

I could hear someone chuckling next to me. I felt cold arms wrapped around me and I wasn't on the sofa like I thought I would be. I was in someone's lap, my head was on their shoulder I think. I wanted to stay here forever. I was extremely comfy here. I heard the chuckle again and realized it was from the person underneath me.

I lifted my head and opened my eyes. I could feel the blood rushing back to my head, causing a throbbing. I groaned because of the ache on the back of my head.

"How are you feeling?" I heard someone ask. 

I kept my eyes closed but answered them. "I just found out that I am in a room full of vampires, fainted and hit my head. You tell me how I'm feeling." I said. I was a bit grouchy because there was no warning about the news that my mum was giving me.

"I suppose you don't want to know why we were here in the first place." The boy underneath me said.

"Probably not." Although I was curious. But I wanted to get used to the idea that they were vampires first before they sprung anymore news on me without warning me.

"If I warn you then will you listen?" He asked. What the hell? Could he like read my mind or something. I started picturing the boys from Big Time Rush topless in my head, I heard him groan underneath me. 

"What do you see?" Someone said. It was a girl, her voice was high.

"Some group of boys topless." He replied.

"Who are they Sharna?" The girl asked me.

"The boys from Big Time Rush. I was seeing if he could read my mind and obviously he can." I said with a smug grin on my face. I could use this to my advantage. I had so many plans that I could make.

I opened my eyes to see if I could see any better. I could see everyone else but my mum and the boy she introduced as Edward.

"That's because your mum went to work, and your sat on my lap." The boy said. I turned to look and realized where the light source was coming from. I was momentarily blinded. I reached over, accidentally hitting his face in the process until I reached the light switch and turned off the light.

"Is the light hurting your eyes?" Carlisle asked.

"Yeah, it was shining straight into my eyes. Not really the best way to look at someone when you're blind." I said, I heard someone laughing and turned to the sound. Emmett was nearly bent over laughing his ass of while Rosalie was smiling. 

"Then don't look at the light." Carlisle recommended.

"I'll remember that for next time." I retorted. I had to admit. For vampires, they weren't like any of the vampires I had seen on TV. If Stefan or Damon Salvatore walked into my living room then I would definitely ditch the Cullens. Those two were pure hotness with a pinch of cute,

"Do you mind? I would rather not see that in my head thankyou." Edward said. He sounded annoyed and a little possessive. 

"Sorry, I have an active imagination." I said sweetly, hoping that he would forgive me.

Arranged Marriage To A Vampire? (Edward Cullen FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora