New Town.

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Sharna's P.O.V.

After a tearful goodbye with my mum, I walked out the from door and sat in the front seat with Edward. Everyone was still waiting for me. I think they thought I would have been an emotional wreck when I walked out the door.

"To be honest, we were. Not all people can say goodbye to their parents and not cry afterwards." Edward said. But although I knew there was a possibility that I might not see her again, she wouldn't want me to be sad. She would want me to have fun and not forget her.

"It helps, when you go through the change, if you remember your human life. Live through your memories that you'd like to keep. That's what I did, but I wish I had remembered different memories. I wish I could forget the ones I remember." Rose explained. I knew what memories she was talking about. And I knew what I wouldn't be remembering.

"Thanks, Rose. I will keep that in mind." I said. I didn't want to remember Caleb and everything he had done to me and how he made me feel. I would remember my father though. That made me strong. It made me think that id I can beat a life threatening disease alone then I can do anything alone. Or at least, without him. I don't need him. I never did.

"That's my girl." Edward said. Everyone looked at us confused but when they saw my smile they decided not to ask. If it concerned them then we would tell them.

Five minutes later we arrived at their house to pick up Carlisle and Esme. I knew that their house was big but this was ridiculous. Were they like stupidly rich?

"Alice can predict the trends in the stock market and also the profit patterns in the various businesses we all have worldwide. Plus, we are royalty." Edward said with a smirk. Royalty. I wasn't ready for that part.

"You'll be OK. You need to stop worrying." Jasper said. I forgot that he could feel my emotions.

"Well, I'm sorry, Jasper. But it isn't everyday that a human finds out that she is going to become a vampire princess in a couple of weeks." I snapped. Did they realise how difficult this was to adjust to? At least Edward understood where I was coming from.

We walked into the house and everything was packed up. Looks like we were leaving now then. The drive to the airport was short. Only five minutes. Edward decided that they could tow his car if it remained here longer than three days. We wouldn't be coming back anytime soon anyway.

They had a private jet! A freaking private jet! This was going to take a while to get used to.

"We have a while." Edward whispered in my ear. He knew what he did to me.

Do you want me to jump your bones in front of you family? I asked in my head.

"If you like." HE said. He obviously didn't believe that I would.

I turned to him and smashed my lips to his. He was shocked at first and then started kissing back. He started to lean back in his seat so that he was laying on his back. I straddled his waist but I had no intention of moving in anyway. He obviously had different plans.

I was shocked to find a bed in one of the rooms that went off from the main cabin. He layed me down and tried to take off my clothes. I let him and then he moved himself on me. I could feel everything but he was still clothes. This had to change. I could feel his lips smirk against mine through the kiss.

I moved under him so that I was on top. I removed all his cothes and he was hard already.

"Just the thought of you naked makes me hard." He whispered.

I moved my body up so that he could move himself to my entrance. When he was there, I slowly slid down his cock making us both moan. I continued that until we were both almost coming. I didn't know how I could go this long without sex. But now that I had Edward in my life I don't think I would ever have to beg for this.

Arranged Marriage To A Vampire? (Edward Cullen FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt