The night extends

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The tapping grew louder and as it grew louder a crack grew. Jeff got up and woke everyone. But it was to late the glass shattered and they rushed for the door. It stoped them and grew tentacles and grabbed everyone."LET US GO" Jeff shouted. But the figure grabbed tighter. They heard foot steps and the figure charged for the deck just as Jeff's mom ran in. She starred in horror as the figure leaped from the deck to the ground. Jeff sat there feeling lifeless (totally not the tight grip causing not any blood circulation) and couldn't do anything. Jeff came to his senses and looked for his friends they were all fighting and shouting but...something was off this part of the forest seemed...familiar. Jeff hit his head on a tree branch and watched as his world faded away as he slept.
                 Hours later

Jeff woke to a load noise he tried to move but he couldn't he tried and tried but it wasn't getting looser. Jeff looked for his friends but didn't see anyone. He looked for something to use but suddenly a screeching came from somewhere. Jeff was getting scared he didn't know what to think. Finally he was able to move. Jeff started running to the door. He started for the handle. It wouldn't budge. Then all of a sudden it exploded and then Jeff got up and looked at the door it's was Ashley.

Sorry it may take awhile for the next part I broke my arm recently and school starts soon so enjoy this small part

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