A Different Reunion

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After waiting all those years for his son to finally gain control over his ability he can now go to him. But upon arriving he sensed his love was in danger. He would love to see what his boy had grown into but also knew that he'd be fine. He ran towards his love. After a few minutes he came onto a small stalker camp. He saw one deadeye and five stalkers. He looked around and saw a cage where his love and a little girl were being held. The girl had fainted at the sight of these creatures. His love however had been around these before. He knew he could easily take them on but he waited. After a few minutes he finally saw the girl wake up and scooted closer to his love. They came closer to them and started shaking the cage trying to scare them. She deadeye finally turned away he ran towards him and jumped at him. As the deadeye turned around he had his hand around its face and ripped it off. The black body turned to dust and floated away in the breeze. The other stalkers looked at him and all ran at him. He ran at them and jumped while grabbing the face of another one and used it's body to hit the others before ripping it's face off. Two of the stalkers were already up and going at him. He punched one and it turned to dust as he reached through and grabbed the face of the one behind it. He flung it over and hit the stalkers behind him. He squeezed the one he held and it turned to dust. One of the stalkers had gotten up and jumped in the air. While it was in the air he jumped and kicked it's side. It flew into a tree and broke the tree in half before bursting into dust. The other stalker had gotten up and ran off. He lunged at him with full force causing the ground to fly up as he flew at it. He reached the stalker and ripped it's face off. The dust floated away as he turned into his old human form and rushed to the girls. His brown hair had stood out in the moon lit night. "Are y'all okay" He asked before grabbing the bars and bent them so they could get through. When his love had finally looked up who it was she almost cried "S-s-hawn!? " She screamed out. She jumped up and hugged him. "Yeah it's been awhile Delilah"


Jeff tried getting out of the claws. "Oh it's no use" The man paced around his controls and grinned. "How about we see what you made of and give you a little wake up shall we" He said while pressing buttons. "This shot will awaken your power and let me take it." Jeff had no idea what he was talking about half this and half that he just couldn't process it all. "I'll be back" He said as another arm extended from the walls with a large needle. He knew he couldn't escape. The needle got closer and closer. Jeff was bracing himself. The needle stopped right before his neck. "Oh thank goodness" Jeff muttered under his breath. He heard a humming and noticed a container connected to the needle filled up with a bright blue liquid. The humming stopped and the arm retracted. The container made a small noise as it locked. The needle backed an inch before burying itself into Jeff's neck. He strained his body and tried getting loose. He was getting warm and his body wasn't moving much his hands started turning black before he was knocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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