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They had made it out and while everyone was rejoicing it watched them. Jeff could feel it, he looked over to Ashley and she was staring back. They both knew well it wasn't over. They both knew it wouldn't be soon before someone else is hurt.
The police had called in back up and started to the tree line. Ashely was the first one up "no you can't go in there" She basically screamed "well why not" One of the officers asked not even looking at her "your just a kid calm down, we can handle this we are the adults".Another one said actually looking at her. "Trust us adults or not that...that thing will kill you" Jeff said now standing next to Ashley. "Ma'am please control your kids, take them inside" The officer was now walking over to Jeff's mom "yes sir...Jeff, Ashley let's go inside" She said as Ashley's mom started inside. "We are trying to help you what do you not understand" Ashley almost started crying "come on guys" Jeff's mom had already walked over to them and started walking them away trying to comfort them.
After cleaning up Jeff went to his room and Ashley was with her mom but no one could leave. After a few minutes Ashley walked in. Without saying anything she walked over and laid on his bed letting out a sigh. "They're gonna die...aren't they" Jeff asked already knowing the answer. "Yeah..stupid adults who do they even think they are" She said sitting up looking at Jeff. "Hey...I forgot to thank you for saving me but what were you even doing out there" "Oh yeah no problem...and it's kinda embarrassing" She giggled a little and smiled. She was cute I'll admit that. Jeff's mom came up stairs and asked them to come down the other officers were here and wanted to ask questions. We made it down stairs and sat on the couch. Two officers were inside while a few others went towards the tree line. "I'll need you to tell me what you saw out there" A tall officer sat down in a chair and had a pen ready to write. Jeff was little nervous at first but after getting into the story he was much more comfortable with it.
Hours seem like years when your waiting. All the officers had gone to the woods. We were told to wait here for them to go and search the forest. After about 4 hours we were all tired of waiting. No one had returned and it was eerily silent. We were all done with waiting and decided to go outside. It was almost night time. None of them had come back. Jeff's mother went time call the police. Ironic calling the police for the police. Jeff was about to just go back inside but then he heard something. He looked over at the tree line but didn't see anything. He heard it again and looked at Ashley who had also heard the sound.
Then they saw it, like polar bear in a desert the man didn't match. They rushed over to the crawling man and saw that the bottom half of his legs were torn off and scratches traced the body with blood stained clothes.
Then a scream.

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