There's MORE?

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Jeff woke up to the light bumps of the uneven steps. He was being carried. A little dizzy he tried looking around. A person was carrying him. Jeff looked around and barely made out trees and leaves before blacking out again.
He awoke in a small cabin. The fire place was going and a someone was sitting in a chair. Jeff was going to try asking where he was but the man started. "Rest for now... I know you must have questions but you need to know two things" He stopped and leaned forward "one is that you are safe and two your mom and that girl are also mostly safe" The unease in his voice made Jeff wonder if they were actually safe. The man got up and left. Jeff tried to say something but nothing came out his voice wouldn't work. He was now alone and scared, should he trust this guy or not. Jeff started freaking out, he tried screaming but nothing would come out. He looked around to see if there was something he could use for defense. Nothing. The whole place was empty except the fire place, chair, and the bed he woke up on. Jeff went to the door and tried the door handle and of course locked. He took a couple steps back and tried to kick the door in. The handle broke clean off and smashed open. Darkness flooded the room and the mist floated in, the fire went out. A chill went down Jeff's spine. He stepped out in to the woods. The eerie silence poured over his ears after each step. There wasn't a single light other than the moon. Jeff started running. No real reason behind it. He just felt something, like he knew what to do. After awhile he felt like he could keep going forever. He felt like he was going as fast as a car. Slowing down Jeff heard whispers. He dashed toward them. They got louder. It's like they were inside his head. He was getting close. He saw a cave. Remembering the cave he saw the first time he stopped and looked around. The voice was back. "" It called out. "Who are you" Jeff walked into the cave. Solid darkness filled his eyes as he reached for the walls. His hand reached the wall and traveled along as he walked further into the cave. Finally Jeff could see light and hurriedly picked up the pace. Metal rods were now sticking out of the walls. Steel plates filled the cave and lanterns lined the walls. Finally he reached an opening. He stepped into a room lined with gold and silver. The wall lit up revealing a glass wall and the man from earlier was standing on the other side. "Can you hear me" The man's voice was coming out of his head. Jeff nodded. "Good this is the right frequency down to business I knew you would find me here so I took some precautions" Mechanical sounds pounded the room, a cage developed around Jeff before he could even blink. "Listen your a danger to my plans and to my life so I'm going to trap you in here" He paved around the room behind the glass. "If you think these are to much for my safety...well you are the son of one of those creatures after all"

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