Aren't adults stupid

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The blood curling scream sent a chill down our spines. It didn't last long but we knew it wasn't good. The man groaned as he tried to reach up. Jeff's mom was trembling as she reached for her phone. Jeff grabbed the officers hand scared out of his skin. The man couldn't even speak. "Don't worry... We'll get you some help" Jeff mustered out. Ashley bent down "let's get him away from the tree line" "Oh yeah" Jeff grabbed one arm while Ashley grabbed the other. They dragged him to his police car. A trail of blood was spewing out as they lifted him up. They sat him in the back seat. "I'll grab some towels" Jeff dashed to the house. Jeff's mom walked over to the car. "Where are your keys" She was now leaning in the door. The man painfully nodded toward the front. The keys were in the ignition already. "Get in" She said closing the door. Jeff's mom rushed to the driver seat. "Mom where are we going" Jeff looked at her. He had never seen his mom more scared in his life. He could tell she wasn't messing around as if the almost dead guy didn't say it enough. Jeff got in the car and Ashley had already gotten in. Jeff's mom floored it before they could even get seat belts on. The drive way was left behind in dust. She was going almost 80 and almost never looked at the road. She kept looking into the woods like something was chasing us. "Uh mom could you maybe slow down and look at the road" Jeff's voice could barley manage as theIr car curved around other cars. The almost dead guy in the back was straining as he fell down a little. Ashley screamed a little as some blood went on the seat. Jeff wanted to laugh but this was serious. "It's coming" Jeff's mom still not paying attention to the road floored it to 100. They heard a crash. "Oh no... No no no no" "Mom what's going on" She look away for one last time before looking at him. "Jeff th-" It was almost like an explosion to his body. The impact of the crash, the glass everywhere, like a rollercoaster ride but deadly. The car flipped and rolled into the ditch. "Gu-uys" Jeff tried to see if they were okay. Blood started dripping down. It wasn't his, he looked around. The almost dead guy was now a full dead guy. He saw Ashley still trying to get ahold of what's going on. A thud hit the roof. A solid black hand of something unknown reached through the roof. The car was now groaning. The sound of metal being ripped apart like paper wasn't pleasant. Jeff looked and watched as the car was torn in half. The figure was standing there, solid black, no details. It reached in and grabbed his mom "No...stop...don't take her... Please" Jeff watched as it walked away carrying his mother. He reached out. He looked around at the woods.
A crack.
Jeff was now staring at 10 other things just like the one before.
Jeff finally blacked out as they all started walking to the car.

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