Chapter 5

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"Hey Tom, I have a question," you frowned, holding your place in the Death Cure book, shifting in the sheets to face Thomas. He sat up similar to you, his bare chest uncovered as he sketched and doodled in a sketch book.

"Hmm, and what would that be, (Y/N)?" he questioned, placing the 3H pencil down to give you his full attention.

"Do you, I mean your family- do you guys celebrate Easter?" You nibbled at you lower lip out of habit.

"Ah, yeah we do, sorta. It's nothing special, we just kinda get together as a family and exchange chocolates and small gifts," Tom explained, returning to the rough sketch of a large fig tree.

"Well, why didn't you tell me sooner! I have to go out and buy everyone something," You fret, yanking the sheet from your body, trying your best to ignore to cool chill creeping along exposed skin.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Thomas called to you in the closet, resting his head on the bedframe as a sigh escaped his lips, unable to find the energy to go along with whatever you were planning.

"Exactly what I said, I'm going to buy you all gifts for tomorrow, gosh do you listen?" You scoffed sarcastically, shrugging on a warm jumper and mitts.

"I know what you're doing, I meant why? No one is expecting you get them anything, plus its like 9 o'clock at night, what shop will be open?" Thomas tried to sway you to stay.

"Have you gotten me something?" You question, cocking an eyebrow as you crossed your arms, looking down at him.

"Well, yeah I mean of course I have-"

"Then that settles it, I'm definitely going now," You laughed to yourself, gathering you purse.

"You're gonna get lost in some dark alley and some creep will steal you away," Thomas warned, becoming more irritated, yet it didn't bother you. It was quite fun to get Thomas annoyed, he pulled the funniest of faces.

"Well then come with me, protect me from the dreadful alleyways and creeps that occupy them!" You smiled widely, seeing the annoyed squint you had earned from Thomas. "I'm going with or without you, mate, so better decide soon!" You chirped, inching closer to the door, you smile only growing wider.

"Ugh fine, only because we need milk though. Don't think I'm doing this for you miss!" Thomas grumbled, getting from bed to the closet to change.

"Oh yes sure, 'we need milk' is code for I love you, right?"


"Well it is now! C'mon, or else I'll drag you out half naked!" You threatened playfully. "What takes you so long anyway?"

"I'm a public figure who is photographed anytime- the man's gotta look good okay?" This brought tears of laughter to you eyes.

"Whatever Prince Charming, I gotta buy some chocolate so do you think we could leave the grooming there and go?"


Dull elevator music rung through the empty shop, the squeaking of the trolley and hum of freezers chiming in.

"What on earth is taking you so long woman? You've circled this aisle three time already!" Thomas wined, lagging behind you.

"Well I was waiting for you to take a hint and leave while I try and buy you something, but I guess that won't be happening, hmm?" You answered passive aggressively, smiling at Thomas as he rolled his eyes and went off to an aisle across the store from you. You gave a little wave as you watched him for a moment, his eyes glancing up to you as he pretended to be interested in something.

Your eyes scanned along the shelf, spotting the gift you had been eyeing off for almost 20 minutes.

"We need milk." You heard Thomas' voice echo.

"I love you too," you responded as you stared at the gift.

"That's not code, we actually need milk." Thomas sighed.

"I still don't care," You answered. You could only imagine what the man waiting at the counter was thinking. "Ahem!"

"Yes, Love?" Thomas asked, still annoyed that he was dragged out of bed.

"Shoo shoo!" You gestured across the shop towards the door. Thomas rolled his eyes and made his way to the door.

"Don't forget the milk," he teased, the bell dinging as he left.

You made your way back to get milk before finally going to the register, plopping a load of chocolate bunnies and gifts onto the counter.

"That'll be 34.99," the cashier droned, a dead look in his eyes. You handed him the money and gathered you bags, walking out to join Thomas.

You were surprised to see he had been flocked by a group of drunk girls, their hands wandering over his body as they slurred their words.

"Omg, I l-ike love your accent!"

"Don't I know you from somewhere? Like you look suuper familiar."

"You look lonely handsome, why don't you come back and have a drink at mine, yeah?"

"Oh hey babe!" You shoved through the group, the air filled with the bitter smell of alcohol. You pulled Tom close by the collar, your hands combing through his locks, grabbing a fistful gently as you brought his lips to yours, passionately, well as you heard the girls say, sucking each others face off. This continued until they all left, wandered down the quite streets of London.

"You have a problem, you know that?" Thomas laughed as soon as you removed yourself from him.

"What do you mean? I was just showing them that you're mine," you answered, staring up at Thomas innocently.

"I think its pretty sexy when you're jealous."

"Oh yeah?" You laughed.

"Yeah, wanna hear something?" Tom purred into your ear as you nodded in response. "Did you get the milk?" He whispered seductively.

"Seriously?!" You cried, stomping off.

"Well?" Thomas called after you between laughter.

"Yes." You grumbled.

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