Chapter 13

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After a couple of weeks, filming had finally begun. Cast and crew mingled on set, final touches to props taken care of, everyone taking their places in preparation for the first scene. Elation coursed through you, watching the whole process yet again, bring back find memories. You yourself were now going to be in the film, making a small cameo as one of the doctors as WICKED, tending to Newt. Wes thought it would be a great idea, and would give the ship-crazed fans something to fan girl over. You stood next to Thomas, a long, fake needle firmly held in hand, and a devilish smirk on you lips.

"Ready to be jabbed, Mr. Newton?" You murmured, holding the blunt tipped needle against the underside of his chin, standing on you tip toes to reach his ear.

"I think I prefer jabbing you, Doctor," Thomas retorted, a large hand sneaking around your waist to hold you closer.

"Guys!" Ki Hong began, standing by the treadmills.

"We're right here, more disgusted than ever, to no surprise. Cameras begin to roll an a minute, can't you guys save that kinda stuff for alone time?" Dylan finished across the set, his nose scrunched up in disgust.

"Don't think we here don't hear you and Ally? Think of this as a form of revenge for our sleepless nights," you scoffed, stepping away from Tom and into your place. Dylan had no more remarks, which gave you a sense of pride.

"Alright, aaand rolling!" Wes' voice rang through the set. Your role was simple, inject Newt we a serum and give a simple few lines. You just hoped you didn't mess things up.

"What is that?" Newt asked as you pressed the needle onto his masculine forearm, a fake wince coming from him.

"Just a simple concoction of all the vitamins you're lacking. This'll get you feeling much better," you gave a small smile before the camera panned from the pair of you.

"Good job," Toms mouthed, giving a wink.

After a long day of filming, most of it involving you just watching the cast and crew run around, you were finally able to return to the hotel. You flopped on the bed, letting your body sink into the softness of the mattress, engulfed in exhaustion and fatigue. Eyes slid shut as you listened the sound of Thomas  making his way to the bathroom, and the sound of running water. If there was one thing that could get you from that bed, it was a warm, steamy shower to relax your muscle. With a groan of effort, you pushed yourself from the bed, dragging your feet as you walked. Slowly on the way, you began to remove your clothes, throwing them across the room. You felt too tired to care then. By the time you had made it to the bathroom, all that was left were you underwear and and button up shirt you taxed from your fiancé. You looked up at him with hooded eyes, the room filled with glorious steam which already began to work at the knots in your muscles.

"Would you like a hand?" Tom chuckled, removing his shirt and tossing it aside. You gave a nod, yawning as you felt his slender fingers work at the buttons down your torso.

"No wonder you guys get paid so much to do this, I'm exhausted and I was only watching most of the time" you slumped you face onto his bare chest, hearing the steady thump of his strong heart.

"Hm, a hot shower is always a remedy to fatigue. Step under the water and I'll wash you down." Thomas instructed, his cold fingers hooking around your panty line and removing them.

"Aren't you tired? Why don't I wash you down?" You asked softly.

"I am tired, but not that tired," Tom chuckled, gesturing to your swaying body. "Besides (Y/N), I like taking care of you," he cooed, joining you under the water, planting a soft kiss on your neck. In a state of lack of sleep, you seemed to revert to a childlike mentality, slurring your words.

"I wanna hug you," you grumbled out of the blue.

"You can when we get you dried and dressed Love." Thomas assured, rinsing conditioner from your hair.

"No, I wanna fall asleep hugging you. I want to lay next to you and use you as my personal pillow and fall asleep on your chest," You slurred, feeling you sanity slip down the drain. It was like you inner thoughts had bubbled to the surface, with no filter to stop anything.

"Don't you think a pillow would be more comfortable that my chest?" Thomas asked, turning you around to stare at you, brow arched. For as long as the pair of you had been together, you hadn't been so sleep deprived and exhausted, or more so comfortable to just completely relax and trust Tom to care for you. So this was his first time seeing you in such a state.

"Nope! My love for you makes you 10 times more comfortable," you giggled at Thomas' face, scrunched up in confusion.

"Are you okay? No fever?" He questioned, pressing a hand to your head.

"Uh uh, just tired and in love!" You retorted happily, falling forward, trusting Tom to catch you. He held you up in a hug, lifting you so that he now cradled you body in his arms. He let out a sigh, walking out of the bathroom towards the closet.

"Alright, you need sleep. Let's get dressed and go to bed, alright?" Tom said firmly.

"You're really hot when you tell me what to do. Oh my god, does that mean I'm a sub and your a dom?" You gasped, eyes widening in realisation.

"What? No (Y/N), it means you're very tired."

"But I always think you're hot, even when I'm not tired! I just think you're extra hot, especially when you're naked," you giggled, pointing to his bare body. Thomas gave a roll of his eyes, clearly not wanting to deal with a sleep deprived woman.

"Did you want to wear one of my shirts?" Tom asked, ignoring your statement.

"Hmm, nah I want your hoodie!" You exclaimed, holding your hands of for your favourite black hoodie. You slid to over you body the instant it was in your hands, relishing the sweet scent of your fiancé. Thomas handed you underwear and got dressed into some brew sweats in the meantime. Before you could stumble your way to bed, Thomas swept you from your feet and carried you there. You're let out a little 'weee!' and a giggle, burying you face into his chest. He placed you gently on the bed, your eyes already shut. Once you felt the bed dip with Thomas' weight, you rolled over to lay your head and arm over his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you body, pulling you closer. Within a matter of seconds, you were out; but not before you felt a soft kiss on your head and heard Tom murmur 'goodnight my Love'.

Thomas' POV
(Y/N) had been asleep for sometime now, having rolled over to the other side of the bed. A small ding brought my attention to my phone, where a new message from Dylan came through.
' Can we talk?'  The message read.
'Sure, what's up?' I replied
'Is (Y/N) asleep yet?' He asked first, leaving my question unanswered.
'Yeah, Dylan what's going on?' I questioned yet again. Before I received another reply, The was a light tap at the door. I left the bed as smoothly as possible, sure not to wake (Y/N). Dylan stood in the doorway, looking less energetic than usual. He let himself in, taking a seat at one of the couches. Worried and unsure, I joined him, seated across from him.

"What's going on Dyl?" I asked softly, just above a whisper.

"She's starting to catch on you know." She said simply, flicking his head towards the sleeping body. I let out a sigh of worry.

"Yeah, I know. We've already had a fight over it."

"You need to be more careful bud.  If you want to keep this a secret, she needs to stop calling and texting you whenever. You need to set up a time when she can contact you, for (Y/N)'s sake.

"Yeah, yeah I know. It's just so hard keeping it from her, I love (Y/N) so much and I just want what's best for her." I sighed, pursing my lips.

"What have you been doing with the photos this woman sends you?" Dylan asked.

"I have a secret folder on my phone which looks like a normal app. (Y/N) doesn't know about it which is good."

"Just be careful, okay Tom? You don't want (Y/N) finding out."

"Will do, thanks Dyl," I gave home a small smile.

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