Chapter 7

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The irritating sound of a phone buzzing loudly against the bedside table next to Thomas dragged you from a peaceful dream. Annoyance coursed through you as you tried with all your might to ignore the horrible vibrating noise, convincing yourself Thomas would wake soon and stop it. However, as a few seconds passed and Tom didn't even stir, your dreams were crushed, literally.

"Typical," you rolled your eyes, feeling Thomas's snores against your neck as he nuzzled his head closer, deep in sleep. In your sleepy daze, you grabbed the first pillow and flung it backwards, the dull thud and Thomas jolting awake brining some satisfaction on the cold, early morning.

"Huh-wha?" Thomas slurred, his eyes drooped and hair a mess.

"Who the hell is calling you at two in the freakin' morning?" You grumbled, jabbing a finger at his phone which lit the room up somewhat.

You watched him struggle to roll over and reach for the phone, his aim horribly off as he didn't even touch the bedside table. All you did was roll your eyes as you continued to witness the epic struggle before you.

"H-Hello?" Thomas cleared his throat to sound more awake.

You tried to listen in on the conversation, curious as to what all the fuss was about. It had to be important if they couldn't wait a few more hours. And who knows, it could be the same person you caught Tom so suspiciously texting the other day. Not that you ever suspected Thomas of such a thing.

"Oh really, that's great!" You heard Thomas reply enthusiastically. "Actually she's here with me now," Thomas chuckled, glancing at you as you leaned closer to the phone

You payed close attention, and soon could make out a mans voice. As you leaned in closer, pretending to hug Thomas' waist, you could make out more coherent words.

"Again, sorry for... Early call... stupid time gaps," you made out, which only confused you further.

"I'll see you soon then I guess," Thomas chuckled before saying a quick 'Goodbye' and hanging up.

You stared up at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation. In the dull light of the phone's screen, you could see a bright smile plastered on Tom's face, which was unusual for this time of morning.

"You'll never guess what that was about," Thomas laughed.

"My secret lover challenged you to a battle to the death to win my love?"

"What?" Thomas questioned

"I mean what?" You joked around, Thomas only rolling his eyes at your humour. "Well you said I'd never guess, I wanted to prove you wrong."

"Yeah, nice try (Y/N), but you're off by just a tad. Wes Ball called me, he said that the Maze Runner was successful enough for them to have a second installment filmed," Tom informed.

"Oh yes, I get to see Newt again!" You teased.

"Uh, don't you technically see him all the time?" Tom laughed.

"Oh no, sweetie your name is Thomas; you may have the same face, but you two are definitely not the same person," you chuckled, laying back down beside Tom.

"I'm just going to take that as a compliment and move on. Anyway, Wes said we start filming in a week, and wants us over at the set in New Mexico in two days," Thomas continued, pulling you closer so that you hugged his chest.

"In two days? Well that's a little rushed, we need to find a flight today!" You fretted.

"Don't worry, (Y/N), he said that that's all been sorted and organised, we should have the tickets emailed to us soon and we just need to print them off," Tom explained with a bright smile.

"Wait, how did Wes know I was here with you to email both tickets to you?"

"I told him that you were with me, so that's all sorted out!" Thomas answered.

"So what do we do now? I mean we're going to have to tell your family we're waving tomorrow. And that means I'll spend a week and a half in New Mexico and have to fly back home for work," you began to stress, which annoyingly amused Tom. How could he be so later back in these times of stress? "What?" You snap at Thomas' small chuckles.

"You're overthinking this all, Love!" Thomas laughed, turning on his side so that he faced you.

"No, you're underthinking this!" You retort, your face scrunched up with annoyance.

"Babe that's not a word," Thomas continues to find humour in the subject.

"It is now," You grumbled, rolling your eyes. "This means that I won't get to see you, Dyl, Ki Hong, Kaya and the others probably at all after this week and a half. There's no way I can save up enough money for another ticket and pay someone to look after everything at home while I'm gone," you added sombrely, realising things won't be how they were before, when you could just walk down your back paddock and meet up with everyone.

"Look (Y/N), I'm going to be your husband soon, and as part of getting to call you mine forever, I want to be able to support you. Why don't you just quit your job and move in with me?" Thomas offered, his warm arm wrapping around you waist, holding you close to him.

"Tom, that's incredibly generous and kind, and I love you for that, but I don't want to be a stay at home wife, I want to get out there and work and earn money as well, that way we can support each other," you responded, giving Tom a small smile. You watched as he thought for a moment, finally coming up with a solution you guessed.

"Okay then, so I want to support you and you want to support me. Why don't we start your own company together, that way I can help you support me!" Just the thought of it sounded absurd to you.

"Thomas, that's a crazy idea! It would cost so much to get our own building and start a business, then there's all the bills, getting employees and all the equipment... and what is it isn't successful, it'd all be a waste!"

"It's what you've always wanted, isn't it?" Tom asked.

"Well, yeah but-"

"Then all the more reason for me to do this for you. The money isn't an issue, (Y/N), and think about it this way: you can't keep working at vet business all your life, and eventually you and I are going to move in together, whether it be here in London, back over with you or somewhere entirely different! It would be a great change to start off our life as a happily married couple together, something that can help us stay close. And I know it will be a great success, with a great vet like you running the place," Tom winked, planting a kiss on your forehead. The way he spoke about it with so much passion made the idea seem less crazy. And he did have a point, at some point you were going to have to move onto another job.

"I don't know, Tom," you hesitated.

"It's okay, these kinds of ideas need a lot of time and thought. Think about it for me, Love; I'd be over the moon to support you and help you start your own business. Now, we've got quite the day ahead of us, let's get some sleep," Thomas hummed.

"Okay, just for you Tommy. Goodnight, I love you."

"I love you too," Thomas murmured.

Thank you all so much for being so understanding and supportive!  It's given me a lot of motivation and inspiration to write more chapters. I'm glad you guys are all so lovely and kind, it make writing these stories so much more fun knowing the people who are reading them generally care and support the authors.

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