Chapter 15

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Thomas walked you through the street, holding your hand firmly in his as people bustled passed. Random conversations and chatter filled the silence as you observed your surroundings, taking in the the whole city feel. As cramped and busy as it was, it was sort of refreshing from what you were used to.

"How have you been, Darling?" Thomas asked, breaking the silence.

"Erm, good? I don't know, that's such a vague question," you chuckled awkwardly, laughter spreading Tom. "What scenes did you shoot today?"

"Mostly stuff from in the Wicked compound. In a couple of weeks we'll be going out to the sand dunes, or the Scorch as they call it," Tom answered.

"Oh I know. You're forgetting I'm a huge fan of the books? I know you read the first one, but have your read any other books?" You laughed, amused by how Thomas though he was providing new information to you.

"Yeah I often forget I'm engaged to a crazed fan," he remarked with a roll of the eyes. "And no, I haven't exactly had time to."

"So you don't know what happens to your character?"

"What happens to Newt? Thomas asked with a frown.

"You sweet innocent child. Never you mind, you'll just have to read the books or wait until the final movie to find out!" You giggled, enjoying annoying Thomas.

"You're such a pain (Y/N)," Tom chuckled. "We're here by the way. Why don't you go in, I just remembered I had to call Dylan. The reservation is under Sangster!" Thomas ushered you through the door.

"I'm not a Sangster yet Hun," you muttered to yourself, a little taken back by the obscure fact that you will be a Sangster soon enough. Wild.

A few minutes passed when you were directed to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant. You sat comfortably, taking in the dark wooden table, lit by an old styled light globe dangling above your head. As you waited for Thomas to join you, you skimmed through the menu, discovering this was an Italian restaurant. A few minutes later and Tom had found his way to the booth, smiling as he sat across from you.

"Do you like it?" He asked, eyes glimmering with hope.

"It's... very nice, old fashion - like you," you giggled, handing him the menu. "I've already decided what I'm going to have," you answered his strange look.

A short time afterwards, a young waitress came by to take your orders, giving you and Thomas a cheery smile as she scribble on her small notepad. After she left, you got thinking to yours and Thomas' wedding. Nowadays it seemed to be a constants bag at the back of your head, as if you had to sort all the fine details out that instant.

"Hey Hun, when do you think we can sort out our wedding some more?" You questioned, fiddling with a lock of your hair.

"Such as what (Y/N)?"

"Well I figured we do the big, obvious things thirst, like I find a dress and take the girls out for bridesmaids dresses, you get suits, oh and sort out a colour theme. And we can't forget about where it's all going to be held!" You began to list, getting caught up in your thoughts. For a second, Tom stiffened; breath hitching in his throat and eyes widening just the slightest. But as soon as it happened, he relaxed again and returned to normal.

"I know we're supposed to  have everything sorted out fairly early, but Love we have 9 months. I know you're fretting, but I promise you we will organise it all eventually. Besides, trying to organise a wedding in the midst of filming a movie isn't the greatest of ideas, don't you agree?" Thomas have a soft smile, cupping your hand in his, placing a gentle kiss on the bridge if your knuckles.

Our Love|| Thomas Sangster x Reader [2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang