#2 He Dreams of Her [Part 1]

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Poe Dameron jolted violently from his sleep and cried out for her to stay. He woke up like this every night. He would have a nightmare and then she would be there helping him. He kept seeing her face. He'd never seen her before but there was something about her that was so familiar. He couldn't quite place it, she just felt... safe. He tried to calm his heart rate.

He pulled the blanket off, and swung his legs over the side of the small, hard mattress. He liked to joke about the mattresses sometimes, saying that when everyone's so busy worrying about the weapons and the starfighters, no-one had time to worry about replacing the mattresses except the people currently sleeping on them. But he wasn't thinking about that now. He was reaching for dirty towel he had thrown on the floor after cleaning up BB-8 earlier, and wiping the sweat off his forehead.

He didn't know who she was, but he needed to find out. The way she had spoken to him, her voice was heavenly, but he couldn't remember what she said. The way she had touched his face, he could still almost feel the warmth on his cheeks, but it was fading. The way she had... and it was gone. He lost it. The dream flew out of his head faster than he had ever imagined flying his X-wing.

He sighed. He can always remember the nightmares, and he remembers dreaming about this girl every night, but he can't remember the girl, what she looked like, or anything that she did. He just knew he dreamed of a girl... well actually a woman, I suppose. He ammended, or this would be sorta weird... he paused and then added, "More than it already is." out loud.

The shock of hearing his own voice fill the silence helped push him back towards reality. It was just a dream, He thought again. Just my lonely subconscious trying to solve my love life problems. He huffed and shook his head in subdued humor. I'm going crazy. And anyways, he had drills to run tomorrow, he needed to go back to sleep and rest. He didn't have time for nightmares or visions. He rolled back under his sheets and drifted back into sleep.

Poe Dameron jolted violently from his sleep. BB-8 was chirping wildly at him and spinning in tight circles. Poe jumped out of bed, "Your right buddy, I'm late!"

BB-8 stopped rolling around and sent him another string of astromech binary that sounded slightly reproachful.

"I know, I know, I am hurrying!" Poe sent back as he hurriedly pulled on his clothes and shoes. "I gotta brush my teeth and then I'm ready to go!" Poe shouted a second later with toothpaste foam falling out the side of him mouth into the sink.

The astromech beeped again and Poe choked on the toothpaste. "YOU WHAT?!" Poe spit into the sink whatever toothpaste he hadn't accidently swallowed and turned on his droid. "I'm an hour early?!" He fell face first onto his pillow and a second later BB-8 heard Poe's muffled voice coming through the thin stuffing, "I'm getting you reprogramed."

BB-8 just gave a series of beeps that sounded convincingly like a chortle.

An hour later Poe stepped into the hangar and checked his flight schedule for the day. He wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary, but you never know, sometimes HQ liked to switch things up a little and send in a surprise. So he really wasn't that surprised when there was a slight alteration near the top of the list. "__0730__Accompany General Organa__Meeting with new recruits__" He quirked an eyebrow and checked the time, 0700.

"Well," he said to BB-8, "I suppose I should go find the General." And he walked off to do just that. When he found her in the command center he sent her his trademark charming smile and saluted, "General Organa, might I request what you requested my company for?" He asked adding emphasis in his extra formal statement.

She shot him a look and raised an eyebrow his direction, "Cut it out Commander. Charm doesn't work on me. And you look to tired for it to work on anyone else." She smirked. And he saw the twinkle in her eye.

"Well then, what does work?" he asked coming to stand next to her in front of the console screen and looking sideways and down at her.

"Honesty." she quipped right back.

"Okay then," he smiled again, "I would honestly like to know why you have me meeting recruits with you today?"

She just gave him a look. You know "the mom look".

He quickly moved to make his statement sound more humble, "Not that I don't like meeting recruits, or working with you! I just... want to know... why" he finished sheepishly, ducking his head.

Leia sighed and patted his arm with a smile, "You know how you've been bugging me to find you a X-wing specialized technician?"

Poe's eyes widened and his face split into a huge boyish grin. "You found one?!" he all but shouted as he turned and put his hands on her shoulders.

Liea smiled in the way a mother would to an over rambunctious child. "They are flying in with the recruits right now."

"Well what are we waiting around here for?!" he says as he turns and heads back to the hangar.

Poe was standing next to the General as the transport ship settled onto the landing pad. He bounced on the balls of his feet and rolled back onto his heels with nervous energy that he had built up since hearing that he might finally get those upgrades he had been thinking about for a while now. The loading ramp opened with a hiss and several people filed out. One of the flight crew pointed them in the direction of General Leia, and she calmly waited for them to walk over. She looked over at Poe, "Still on the ship." she whispered and motioned for him to go ahead.

He smiled and nodded before jogging over to the ramp and looking up at the person coming down towards him. "Hi."He said, "My nam-" He froze. She looked up from her bag and froze. Her eyes widened and she struggled to find the right words.

"I- I know you." was all she could manage to force out.

"I know you too." the sound of her voice had shocked him out of his stupor and he stepped up the ramp to face her. "I see you in my dreams."

She swallowed nervously and her hand came up and fidgeted with the edge of her collar. "The dreams where you are running from a man in black?"

Poe's jaw clenched and he avoided her eyes for a moment before nodding. "Thank you for helping me sleep." was all he could think of to say.

She chuckled a little, "It sounds weird if you say it like that."

He laughed and sent her a smirk, "I think it would sound weird no matter how we say it... My names Poe." He ran a hand through his hair, "Poe Dameron."

A/N Here is another one for ya! Hope you like it! And it's all thanks to  

Happy Easter Sunday!!!!!!

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