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"Tell me more about this man." I said. "He is more beast than a man. Kyo Abe, is a sinful zealot! The mother had died during his birth. Her spirit had allowed him power without consequence. He was the only one who stood against my elders's beliefs and wandered down a different path. He had hunted down and destroyed every living creature, changing the utopia my elders had built in hope of a better world. He was like a brother to me. But after seeing what he had done to our home, what he was proposing to me. I betrayed him. I swore a sacred vow to protect this world, but how could I do that when my only friend sought to destroy it? I told the elders of his actions, and therefore he was punished. He was shunned and forced to live as an outcast for the rest of his life.

The elders had transformed him into the monster they saw him as. His skin turned blue, grew claws and nails the colour of purple, yellow horns coming out of his forehead, his teeth rot to yellow, some even stuck out of his mouth, eyes purple. The elders called his transformation "The Oni", a blue ogre like demon. I couldn't see my friend anymore, all I could see was a blue devil. He has hated me for doing nothing. Since the elders had passed on to Ookami Baioreto's world, I'm the only other person that Kyo wants dead. So I trapped him where he was banished until it can become safe for the villagers again." says Fumio. "How do I kill Kyo Abe?" I ask him. "With this." he says handing me a spear made of amethyst. "Amethyst?" I ask. "His one weakness. The one thing that can kill him. I must warn you though, he has grown stronger over the years. Due to his transformation, the elders had forbidden him to age. Denying him a painless death." said Fumio. Fumio told me before I left that Kyo Abe was banished at a small waterfall north of the village.

As the wolf I kept the spear of amethyst behind my back, hoping to surprise him. As I reach the waterfall, he's just sitting there in plain sight. Kyo Abe. Sharpening what looks to be a spear made from graphite. He was everything Fumio had described. Except he might've left out the fact that he wore green and purple pyjamas, black lines running down from his forehead to his jaw and had black hair.

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"At last. The time has come. I have finally met my worthy opponent." said Kyo. "Are you Kyo Abe?" I ask him. "I am, hehe. And you, are nothing but a boy coated in a wolf's skin." says Kyo. He stands up and says, "May the victor conquer all who stand before him." He then leaped at my body and dug his claws into my fur. The sharpness of his claws made me drop the amethyst spear. Trying to get him off was like trying to get a cat down from the ceiling. And I know how that just sounds to your dirty little minds. His arms than wrapped around my body like an anaconda. I had no other choice but to take a huge bite out of his neck and retreat to the rocks above. With his hand on his neck he shouted, "You call yourself a wolf yet you hide from the sheep! Is that the scent of amethyst I smell? The old man must be desperate by now to send another one of his amateur pupils to kill me!" "I'm not just some pupil!" I shout. "Ah yes, Ookami Baioreto. You should've stayed in Chichibu you know. Stay forgotten! It would've been better that way!" said Kyo. "You're wrong!" I shout. "Am I?! Once I kill you, I'll be free. I'll burn every village, kill every child, vengeance for what humanity...for what the elders of the old had denied me! Come down here and face me like a man! Prove the old fool Maki you're more than just the student! Prove to him that you're the master!" says Kyo. Alright Kyo, I'll play your game.

I stood up on the rock I was hiding behind and revealed my presence to him. He grinned. I jump towards him and left a couple of scars over his face. He counter blocked my attack and threw me into the pond. "You need to think, boy. Get your head out of the water." says Kyo. "You're the one who needed to think, Kyo. Here you're just a big fish in a small pond!" I said splashing water into his face. Distracted, I ripped off his horns and stabbed them into his shoulders. "I'll tear you apart!" shouted Kyo. "I'd like to see you try, you son of a bitch!" I replied. He grabbed his graphite spear but I dodged the weapon's movements. Until he was able to stab me in the leg. I scratched him and limped my way to the amethyst. As he jumped towards me I impaled him with the amethyst spear.

Kyo screamed in a monstrous voice. His purple blood spewing all over my fur. "They're waiting for you, ya know. The Namahage. At the Moonlight. And when you get there, you and her are fucked. Hehehe. Hahahaha!" says Kyo. The Oni choked on his last breath and coughed blood out of his mouth. His information was very useful. The Namahage have been waiting the entire time for me to come out of hiding. Now that I know where they are, I can find out who their leader really is and put an end to this vendetta of hate.

The Moonlight, 11:12pm. The inside of the Moonlight was filthy yet everyone had clean faces. Almost everyone in the dive looked like they were apart of the Namahage. I walk to the bar not attacking head on. "What will you have?" the barmaid asks. "Bourbon." I said. Six men corner around behind me. As the barmaid pours me a glass of the bourbon, I saw on her arm the tattoo all Namahage bear. A dragon tattoo. I pulled the vein right out of her skin and shoved the bottle right through her head. I turned around and said, "You've got one minute to tell me everything you have on your boss. Or you'll be crawling to the hospital with tender severed limbs." Zhang walked towards me and said, "The last time you went up against the Namahage, you barely made it out of alive. And we came prepared, Ookami Baioreto." Each one of the six men pulled out a silver butcher knife. "Do your fucking worst!" I said. They than charged at me with their weapons of my undoing. I threw the dead body of the barmaid at them, to let down their guard.

I break a bar stool in half and jam the two right up their skulls. "Two down. Four to go." I said. I grab one Namahage's leg and slammed him against both walls. His body could barely move. I than bring the entire bar counter down on his legs. Crushing them. "Three left. Ready to give up?" I said. The third man came at me with his knife. I grab it, turned it towards him, and the silver knife turned to bronze. I stabbed him in the throat with what used to be his own cutter. "How did you do that?" asks Eddie. "Two left." I said. As the second man approaches, I whistle. Small animal hands burst through the floor boards. The hands grab his ankles with a tight grip and drag him down to the ground. "Was that?" says Eddie. "Nature's call, and it's angry." I told him. "Last man standing." As he tries to swing his arm, I grab it. "Who is he, Eddie?!" I said, his arm close to breaking. "Go to hell, motherfucker!" says Eddie. "So be it." I than tore Zhang's right arm clean off. Blood was spewing everywhere. Yet he still lived.

I went back to where the bar used to be and poured myself that bourbon I asked for. Felt like water to my lips. Hell I probably have forgotten what it taste like, the days I've spent with Maki. "Don't move. I'm not finished with you yet."

I take him outside and put him up against a brick wall in an alley next to the Moonlight. "Tell me who he is or your arm won't be the only thing I tear off tonight." I said. "I am loyal to my master, as I am until death." said Eddie. "Wrong answer!" I push on his wound. "I am loyal to my master, as I am until death." he repeats. "I am loyal to my master, as I am until death!" "His name!" I said growing furious. "Nakamura!" he screams to the heavens. "Tenzin Nakamura." he cries. "Aya's father." I said. "Yes. It is him. Him who seeks. Him who lusts. THE POWER INSIDE YOU!" he cries. He cries cause he's afraid...of the fate that will soon await him. I tossed his armless body on the street and disappeared, looking for answers from the man behind everything.

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