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"This meeting is over." Micah announces and we all watch as he walks to the door to open it for them to leave, "Please remember everything said in here is confidential and as per the clause, any comment to the outside world will lead in your death."

I watched as the officiator, William, Lila and a reluctant Vincent left the room and he shut the door before the Amira could leave.

"Veronica is dead."

"Or so you thought." Amira mutters, "She currently resides in the castle." she moves closer to Micah and looks at his eyes, "And you're definetly her son." her hands ended up on his cheek and a growl emitted from deep inside me that I didn't know I could do. "Calm down, Elise, I don't want your mutt, a wolf and a witch? what a horrible mix."

I couldn't agree more.

"If Veronica is not dead, who did they kill during the war?"

"Her twin sister." Amira answers, "Vivian was the nicer sister, the more subdued one, the one that died."

Micah made his way around to me and he placed his hand on my exosed shoulder to calm himself down, I placed my hand on top of his own feeling the anxiety that he's going through right now.

"So facinating how wolves can do that." Amria comments sitting back down in the chair, "How does it make you feel that being with him is literally killing you? albeit, you do still have 10 months until you die."

"Can you reverse it?"

"The question is more, do I want to reverse it?"

this is why she didnt want a full peace treaty, she doesnt wish us well, she wants to ensure that we dont call war on her again.

"Is this why you came? To inform us on Veronica's wellbeing?"

"No, that just slipped out really." she shrugs, "I still want a sub-peace treaty, I'll give you a while to think about it but next time we have a conversation, it'll be on neutral grounds." She turned around to leave, "Oh and be extremely careful of Cheryl Velaries, she's not who you think she is."

the door closed behind her.

Micah looks down at me and I look up at him, "What do we do?"

He sighs and sits down, "I don't know Elise, we're going to have to ask the council what they think but I don't even want to mention it to them."

there was a pregnant silence in the room as I looked at his beautiful face, "You mom is alive Micah."

"Veronica means nothing to me." Micah replies, "And I'll rather just believe that she's dead than go and see her."


"No, there's no discussing it. We're not going to go though with it."

silence fell upon us again as I watched the clogs ticking in his head, as much as he might want to believe that she's dead, the person that gave birth to him and held him in her stomach for 9 months is alive and she could help lift the curse that she put on us.

"What if that's the only way?" I whisper and he looks at me slowly

"I don't know, Elise but we'll figure it out, together." he put his hand out on the table and I put mine inside his



sitting across from Cheryl, Amira's words rang in my head - what does she mean she's not who I think she is?
She did try to kill me but I've showed her nothing but hospitality since then, why would she continue whatever conspiracy she has against me

"How was the meeting?" She asks, taking another sandwich from the table, "It went by extremely fast."

"There was nothing to discuss really." I say cryptically, I cant give her any information even if I wanted to, not now I know that she's a potential enemy. 

"Why were you in the room with Queen Amira after everyone left?" she asks casually and in another situation I would think she's just drumming up conversation but now I think she's digging for answers

"I really can't talk about it, clauses and stuff." I shrug, "Did you see Rekard there?"

Cheryl nodded her head slightly, "He felt the need to inform me that Simone has taken over my spot in the pack." she truly looked upset but I don't know whether its her A grade acting once again.

"Well I told him that Micah and I will never visit the Velaris Pack until they learn some respect and put you back into your respected place."

"You don't have to do that for me," Cheryl said with a small smile

"Yes I do because you've always been there for me so I will be there for you." I inform her and she nodded her head, I hope she feels guilty.

"Have you gotten ready for the parade yet?"

The parade is when the new king and queen go down the streets and are greeted by the subjects and accept gifts. The security for that is always high and it rarely ever goes wrong and I'm guessing from the media challenge I have a few supporters

"Yes, that this Friday, please remind me to tell Guiel tomorrow cause I know I'm going to forget."

Cheryl nods her head, "I kinda feel like your personal assistant."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll ask someone else."

"No," she laughs, "It's okay, at least then I'll always be with you,"
And that's exactly what you want, right?

There was a knock on the door and I told them to come in, "Your Majesty, The King and the council request your presence since there has been someone crossing the boarder."

I frown, what uninvited guest would be stupid enough to cross the boarder?

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