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You never know what is coming your way.

I wanted to rub the smug look off his face when he said. He's not even trying to be discreet, the asshole. I played it off acting as if I were naive but I'm so glad I know better than to trust them.

Micah and I entered our room to be greeted by Jacob and the girl he had captured looking through our things.

She's tiny and visibly shaking, they probably got her to do this job since they know she won't be seen as a threat which makes me even more suspicious.

"What did she tell you?" Micah asks as he takes off his cardigan, the shirt underneath dragged up a little and I saw the little girl eye down my mate like he was a piece of meat.

"Keep your eyes to yourself." I all but hissed at her and she looked back at me shocked before looking down at the ground and muttering out an apology.

Micah came behind me and rubbed my shoulder which calmed me down a little.

"Speak." Jacob nudged her

"Alpha told me to find out the true reason you're here. He doesn't believe it's due to wanting to look around, he thinks you're closer to figuring out their plans and he wants to make sure that that's not true." She explained in a hushed tone.

"Well that's not good." Micah huffed, "Okay, thank you for your help.."

"Iris." She filled in, "Iris Callahan."

"Thank you for your help Iris." Micah then walked closer to the girl and brought her chin up so she could see his eyes, "Iris Callahan, you're going to tell your Alpha that all you saw was notes on me and my wife watching your army train, seeing around the pack house and interacting with our people. You're going to tell him that we come in peace and there's no conspiracy. Now this will hurt a little but you're a big girl."

With that she fell to the floor. Jacob nudged her with his feet, "Is she dead? And what was that?"

Micah sighed, "It's something I realised I could do a while ago. It's kinda like hypnosis, it only works on weak willed people whom full name I know, really well on humans not the best on anyone with ranking. It's the only thing I got from Veronica."

"Well is she dea-" I look at Iris as she starts to get up from the floor, I fall to her side and start the act, "Oh dear, we just came back and saw you on the floor, are you okay?"

"I-" she looked up to see Micah and Jacob standing over us, "Your Majesties, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude! I'll get out of your way."

"Honestly, you're fine, I'm still wondering how you got in here though but I guess it doesn't matter as long as you're okay."

She nodded her head quickly, standing up almost too fast before she then bid us a goodbye and left the room.

I let out a sigh, "Well I'm going on a walk." I stand up wiping the imaginary dust off my clothes and go towards the door, "Do you want to come Micah?" He shook his head, "Alright, come on Jake."

"Don't stay out too late." Micah calls and I wave him goodbye.

We make our way around the quarters they had given us for our stay.

"So what did you find?"

"They're really good at keeping their things hidden. I was thinking whilst you're with the women tomorrow and Micah with their army, I will have most people occupied to look around again."

I nod my head a little disappointed that he found nothing, "Well where did you look today?"

"The beta's office. There was only layouts of no mans lands which is in the middle of all 4 regions meaning it's the perfect place for a battle but there was no indication of when they're planning on striking which-" I put my hand up which caused him to stop in his tracks and hush up.

"There's someone in the next hallway." I mindlink him

He frowns and looks up trying to listen in, "I can't hear anything."

"I have better hearing." I explain, it comes with the bond. "We can't get any closer without them smelling us, so we just have to stay here and listen in."

He nods his head and stays on guard whilst I try to tune into the conversation.

"Stop it, Matthew." A voice I recognise as Cheryl hisses, "You're going to get us caught and I already shouldn't be here."

"Cheryl you know we need to talk." The man - Matthew - responds, it sounded oddly familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Matthew, Velaries Pack, who is he?" I ask Jacob, since he's on the security detail he knows most of the other higher ranking people in the Velaries pack.

"I don't want you to be part of this anymore," Matthew continues.

"Rekard Junior's Beta." Jacob reminded me and I nod my head

"You know this is dangerous and Elise seems to love you, you could confess about the plans and have her forgive you." Matthew tells her

"Dad will kill you if he heard you say this." Cheryl sneers at him, "You know I would never go against my family."

"He disowned you Cheryl!" Matthew all but shouts

"Keep your voice down!" She hisses, "That was before I came to him with how the plans could still take place without me being queen and he's been okay with it. You know it's all an act him pretending to hate me."

"Listen, if you don't come forward they will kill you. Maybe you'll still have a chance if you do."

"If I don't go through with it, they may aswell kill me. No one would want me if I don't." She mutters

"I would. You're my mate, you mean everything to me and defying Junior would be okay if I know you're safe because of it."

My eyes widen as I look at Jacob who frowns in response, "Cheryl is Matthew mate. Matthew is trying to make sure she doesn't betray us."

"So we trust Matthew?"

"No I think he's only doing this to save Cheryl. He's not truly on our side." I respond, "I've got to go tell Micah."

I tune back into their conversation and all I hear is moaning so I guess they're busy.

Jacob takes me back to my room and I open the door to see a woman ontop of my husband and his hands all of her body.

I let out a gasp as my heart drops to my chest.

Micah's head looks around the woman and when he sees me his eyes change from a strange matte colour to the natural purple eyes I know.

The woman on top of him hair changes from my dark coloured brown to a lighter blonde.

Micah pushes the woman off him and she drops to the floor with a thud, "Elise I swear, I thought it was you. She looked like you."

We all turn to see an amused Simone on the floor.

"Jacob, wake up everyone now. We're having a sentencing." He looked confused but I was burning inside, "With the power as the Queen, I sentence you, Simone Humphreys, to death."

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