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We are waiting for them.

We decided it would be better to get there first so we can scan the area for any threats they might have put in place.

So far there are no threats, I hope Amira is being true when she said she wants there to be peace between the two nations.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Dame Knight utters as she watches my under armour being put on me, "Veronica is not easy to deal with."

"You've met her?" I ask her

"She use to work in the castle, that's how she got her slimy little hands on the king. He was obsessed with her, of course, it was a spell she cast on him but he wouldn't let her go without a fight. The late queen tried to talk to her to understand that he's a married man, that's when she told her she's pregnant."

I look over to Micah, the product of the affair who was talking the plan over with Sir Alafa, it's a shame that no one can know the burden that he carried and what the late queen went through but it wouldn't be good for the kingdom.

"Do you think Micah is still going to be affected by seeing her?"

"I don't doubt that it would be hard but after everything she's done to him, I would resent her the same way he does." I pulled the dress over my armour to hide it and Dame Knight takes my hand, "If this doesn't go to plan or you have a bad feeling just say so in the mind link and I'm coming after you." I nod my head and she smiled slightly


They came sooner than expected.

It was Veronica, Amira and two other guys who I assume are their guards, can't really blame them. We have Jacob and Devon on our side for protection.

Veronica is beautiful which makes so much sense considering the fact that she gave birth to an equally beautiful boy and was able to seduce the late King away from his mate.

Her hair was jet black and long like she hadn't cut it in years. You could tell she was old but yet her hair had no sign of greying or ageing.

"Son," Veronica greeted as they got within talking distance

"Veronica." Micah replied coldly which made her laugh

"Is that really how you wish to play it?"

"You've cursed my mate. How else do I play it?" He all but spits out and her eyes fall towards me

"So this is who won the games," she utters, "Cute. Shame you have to die."

Amira clears her throat, "Now that the family introductions are over. Can we sign the treaty?"

"We need you to cast the spell that states that you shall not bring harm to our people ever again and if you willingly do, you shall die." Devon announces

"That's what I'm here for," Veronica states

"All we ask for is that you reverse the spell you put on our Queen," Jacob states

Veronica let's out  hauntingly scary life it almost makes me sick

"Hell no."

"Then we can't sign the treaty." Micah concludes

"We don't need you anyway." Veronica utters back looking at Amira for the final say

"Reverse the spell, Veronica." Amira commands after watching her do nothing for a while.

her jaw ticked slightly and she uttered some words that I don't know or understand, when she stopped I felt a stab to my back, literally, and I screamed out in pain falling on the floor.

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