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We left the Valeries pack with my mate in a casket.

When she had the idea to do this, I didn't think this is how it would end. Alpha Valeries was very good at making sure that he distanced himself from the situation. That it was a disowned daughter and a crazy King Advisor that, nothing to do with him that planned, all of this.

I know better and I'm going to make sure we now go with fill rage to kill them once I convince the rest of the realms that they are the ones that did this.

Dame Knight did reassure me that there is still hope that she's not dead considering that I'm still alive, deeply wounded but still alive. If she had died I would be dead by the end of tonight considering that it's been two days since she has been stabbed.

I know I should be worried about dying but if I do die at least I know I'm going to be with Elise.

The only thing is that if I die, Rekard would become King since he's the most powerful Alpha remaining.  I plan on changing that in the meeting.

King Vincent and Queen Lila took their places at the ends of the table with the now King William on the other end to ensure their urge for human blood does not come about.

Amira situated herself opposite me and Leroy started the meeting.

"King William, this has been called due the assassination of Queen Elizabeth. We all here pay our condolences to you." He states and we take a moment for his loss, "We also want to ask if you have any leads on what had taken place?"

William clearers his throat, "Yes we know now that a witch had placed a spell on a human working in the palace to coerced them into it."

His eyes were on Amira who sighed and looked at me expectantly, she knows where the vigilantes have come from.

"Amira has nothing to do with it." I ensure, "It's actually some rebels from both of our realms." I explain

"Well why are they coming after the Humans? We've always had a good relationship." William asks confused, "And how long have you know? You could have prevented-"

"We've has an inkling for a while now." Amira interrupts, "We couldn't call a meeting without evidence. At first we thought it's to kill only Micah but It's become clear that it's more than that."

Vincent clears his throat, "Why would two enemies come together in the first place? What do they have in common?"

I sigh knowing it's time to reveal the secret that has been held for 21 years. "My father cheated on the late Queen with a woman, Veronica, who gave birth to me and was also a witch."

Lila gasped slightly, "Half were and half witch. That's almost unheard of."

"Yes well, that's what sparked the war and now Amira and I have come to terms and we are together in bring down the vigilantes." I explain

"What's the aim though?" William questions, "Why did they start off with killing our Queen?"

"Because you're the weakest." Vincent states, "They're trying to take over everything, aren't they?"

I nod my head slowly, "They gathered to overthrow me but I guess Rekard got greedy. He wants to be the ruler of it all. He's already attacked my mate, hence why she's not here, she's right now in intensive care."

"They've already burned down most of the witches who do not want to participate in their plans," Amira announces, "My castle has now become a safe house instead of the home of royalty."

I didn't know that part but it makes sense that Amira has been suffering with her own side trying to keep them in control.

"Taking over the Vampire realm would require killing Vincent. If they gather enough forces they could do that. I haven't heard of any vampire vigilantes yet," Lila comments

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