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I don't own the fanart in any way.

The rain still hadn't ceased, but it was strangely comforting. At least it was preventing me from letting my mind wonder to darker things.

I was sitting in one of the twin's bed, with a turquoise blue blanket wrapped around my shoulders and providing an appreciated additional heat.

I was looking at my crossed legs, and just hearing the rain.
It was relaxing.

I was alone in the room, silently enjoying the peace. The others decided to stay downstairs, for my sake.

Half an hour had passed since the accident, and I was finally starting to feel better. My hands had stopped trembling too.

I didn't get my phone back, but I figured it was a small price to pay, since I got attacked by a ghost and it could have ended up in much more serious damage than just cold shivers and bad memories.

I lifted my eyes to look at the window, where the rain drops were painting the glass.

I closed my eyes, concentrating just on the sound and warmth.

Is there anything that I could protect myself against these ghosts? Something that I could use, perhaps?

I opened my eyes once this thought crossed my mind. What about Dipper's journal?

My eyes darted to the shelves where Mabel had first messed with when she showed me the journal.

Could it be that...?

I first checked out for noise.
Any signs of stomps up the stairs or wood creaking would be a dead giveaway that the twins were nearby. Luckily for me, I was only greeted by the soothing sound of water drops on the roof.

I got up slowly and quietly, trying not to make much noise, and keeping my attention on the noises that surrounded me.

I walked to the shelf that I was looking for, my feet barely making a sound, and the blanket swishing behind me in response to my movement, sending cold shivers up my spine when the comfortable heat from before vanished.

When I first glanced at the shelf, there was nothing out of the ordinary. There were just two rows of books, where one was a little messy. If I remembered correctly, the journal was inside the thick brown dictionary that was on the right side.

I reached out a hand to grab the book, expecting it to be heavy due to it's volume, but found it surprisingly light in comparison to what I initially thought.

The floor beneath me creaked heavily when I finished stretching to grab it, and I scrunched my face a little at the noise.

Let's just hope that nobody heard that.

I positioned the brown book in my hands to open it, hoping that things would go according to plan, but I soon met disappointment when the book revealed itself to be empty.


I stared in confusion at it. It was supposed to be in there.

Well, I couldn't know for sure, since I only saw that journal once, and as far as I know, Dipper could change it's hidding spot everyday.

I lifted my eyes to analyse the shelf where it had been, looking for the red cover of the journal. There was one red book there, but that wasn't what I was looking for.

I looked back at the brown book, biting my bottom lip.
This wasn't getting me anywhere near answers.

I placed the book back on it's place, admitting defeat.
There had to be something else that I could do.

Looking Out For Mistletoe -ParapinesWhere stories live. Discover now