7• Devil Eyes

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^^this vid is just too hot for me to handle. i stayed up til 3 watching it over and over last night😂enjoy!!

Grayson's POV
i couldn't think at the moment. my ex girlfriend from a year ago, Emily Duckett, had moved away to Idaho. why was she back and why does she care if i'm with another girl? she dumped me.

why do you still have my number?

i texted casually.

why do you still have my number?

i asked you first

i never bothered to delete it. your turn

i didn't even know i still had it. how do you know i was with a girl?

i saw you at the mall

why are you back?

came to visit

whatever. bye

hey, don't just leave!

you have no place in my life anymore, Emily. don't come crawling back to me, because you broke up with me. it was your choice to move. you shouldn't be practically stalking me anyway

fuck you

no thanks

i blocked her number and sighed. "what do i do, E?"

Cassadee's POV
i looked out the window and saw Grayson talking to Ethan. he looked stressed out. i wanted to make sure everything was okay so i decided to text him.

hey are you alright?

a few extra letters got put to that sentence before sending it due to someone slamming my phone to the table.

i looked up to see a girl about my age with black straight hair and ugly glasses.

"hi, i'm Emily." she said in an overly nice tone.

i cocked an eyebrow at her.

"yeah? and i'm Cassadee. now can you get your shitty hands off my phone?"

she scoffed a little too dramatically and removed her hand, placing it on her hip.

i looked down at my phone to see that Grayson texted

not really. i'll fill you in later. what's with all the extra letters?

i quickly texted back.

walk closer to the mall and look at the window. don't make it look suspicious. do you know this girl?

"look at me, hun." Emily said, placing my phone down on the table.

"who do you think you are telling me what to do?" i snapped.

she shrugged and smirked. "i don't want you near Grayson, ya hear me?"

i rolled my eyes. i figured she was a hoe so i went on. "yea? and why is that? i'm pretty sure you can go find one of them fuck boys, you hoe." i said it louder than i intended but i didn't care at this moment. Paige was trying to hold in a laugh.

i looked at Emily with a slight grin as her hand came up and made contact with my face.

Grayson's POV
i walked to the mall as Ethan trailed by my side. "is that..." i looked closer through the window and there stood Emily. she had definitely changed. her hair was straight instead of curly. black instead of blond. she was still skinny, but i could tell she gained a little bit of weight. not to mention the nerdy glasses she now had. but i knew it was her. i could never forget those devil eyes.

"Ethan, it's her!" i shouted loud enough for him to hear.

"shit." he murmured.

"what do we do?" i asked. she was back for me and she was trying to keep Cassadee away from me, i could tell.

"i don't know but they're gettin into it, look." Ethan said, pointing.

Emily was standing up, hands on her hips and mouthing something, also scowling at Cassadee.

Cassadee stood up after her and snapped something back in her face causing Emily to slap her.

i quickly jolted off the concrete and into the mall as fast as i could so i could reach them in time.

"hey!" i shouted.

Ethan held Emily back as i stood in front of Cassadee.

"what the hell are you doing here?" i spit at Emily.

she gave me a fake smile. "i'm here for you, sweetie."

i furrowed my eyebrows and scolded her. "don't call me this. and the fuck you ain't here for me."

"why? you find yourself a new girl? a petty red head that has to hide behind you so you can protect her? trust me, you should never date a bitch." she chuckled.

i tilted my head to the side. "i dated you. and you're as bitchy as anyone i've met."

that caused Ethan and Paige to laugh. the whole mall was watching us now.

Emily was psycho. she's always had anger issues and she was almost arrested one time for pulling a blade on a girl.

Cassadee lightly pushed me out of the way and stood in front of Emily.

"if you have a problem, say it to my face. and say it loud enough for me to hear." she snapped, the red mark appearing on her face.

Emily walked closer to her to where they were only inches apart. "stay. away. from him." she snapped, twisting her hand around, and walking away.

Emily looked back once more and started to run.

Cassadee stood still and didn't move. her eyes were tearing up.

"hey, we'll put some ice on that." i said, holding her cheek in my palm.

she shook her head slightly and opened her mouth as if she was trying to speak.

i was beyond confused and so was Paige. Ethan looked confused for a second and then his eyes immediately went wide.

"call an ambulance!" he shouted.

me and Paige were both caught off guard and soon enough realized blood was dripping on the floor.

i removed Cassadees hand—that was wrapped around her own side—and there sat a horrific stabbing mark.

"shit, i should've known she still had that knife." i murmured, running my fingers through my hair.

Ethan looked beyond pissed and Paige started to cry.

an ambulance showed up and Paige and i rushed her outside.

"what're you doing?" i shouted to Ethan.

"finding that whore." he ran off in the opposite direction and i knew he meant Emily.

i held Cassadee in my arms as i sat her down on the stretcher.

both Paige and I climbed into the ambulance and shut the doors behind us.

i held Cassadee's hand and laid my head on her side.

i started to tear up. i've only known her for a day and this is how we end up.

her eyes were still open.

"come on, stay awake." i begged.

she looked at me once more and not even seconds later, her eyes shut.

hahaha cliff hanger. i've never done a story like this so i figured, why not? um if you like it comment if you don't,
deal with it. anywayyyy
follow -jessiemichele- that's my girl right there!! love youuu💛

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