11• Gone

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skip car drive/Emily's house

i swerved the car into the driveway and instantly slammed on the brakes, twisting the key and stuffing them in my pocket.

"come on, Nate. she has a big house." i exclaimed.

Nate looked at me confused. "how is this her house? i thought she moved."

i rolled my eyes. "her old house, dumby."

"well you said her house so i thought you meant-."

i stopped him by placing my forefinger to his lips and stared towards the house.

"is that Ethan?" Nate whispered, reading my mind.

there was a faint scream for help. "help!" the voice suddenly cut off by ending in a loud squeal.

"Ethan!" i shouted, running through the house.

"Grayson!" Nate called after me. he raced behind me and followed my many foot steps.

"Gray, wait! she could be anywhere!"

i ignored Nate and kept running. i had to save my brother.

Nate and I raced upstairs and came face to face with the psycho. Emily stood there, holding a knife to Ethan's neck as he was strapped to a chair.

"Grayson...Nate..." he whispered.

"what do i do?" Nate asked.

"distract her... somehow."

i took a step closer to Emily and her grip on the knife tightened.

"Emily...don't. don't do this. what do you want? whatever it is...take it, you can have it. just tell me...what do you want?" i asked, calmly. my heart was pounding against my chest and i was shaking.

"why can't i be like her?" she asked, tearing up. i tried to hide back a laugh. that's what she wants? to be like Cassadee? i knew that if i let out just a tiny chuckle, Ethan would be dead.

i kept my composure well and took a deep breath. "it's okay..." i started off. "it's okay to not be perfect. it's okay to feel down...and have a bad day. it's okay to not always fit in. it's okay to be anxious. Emily, everything will turn out just fine. just listen...if you do this...you'll never have the chance to be what you want to be."

i looked at Nate and he nodded. by the way i looked at him he knew what i meant. sneak behind her. try to grab the knife.

Emily just stood there, wiping her tears with her free hand.

"she's beautiful. i can't just change that!" she shouted.

i closed my eyes and nodded. "i know. it's okay, though. you don't have to be beautiful. is that what you really want? to be like her? it seems like much more than that." Nate was getting closer.

suddenly, a flashback hit me

i was sitting on my bed, waiting on Cassadee to text me back.

she finally did.

it seems like much more than that.

previous convo

you have a boyfriend?

nope. i think i might like someone tho. you?


i might know who it is

yeah? and who is that?


uh...no. we're just friends...

i knew i was lying to both her and myself.

it seems like much more than that


"i want you Grayson! i had you first!" i got snapped out of my thoughts my Emily screaming.

her grip tightened once again.

i closed my eyes. "Emily, i'm sorry. but just have me. i'm with Cassadee now."

Nate was right behind Emily and was about to grab the knife but it was too late.

"well if i can't have you then you can't have him."

"no!" Ethan screamed.

he barely got to finish his sat word before the knife made contact with his neck and slowly sliced it open.

i fell to my knees. he was gone. my one true best friend. was gone.

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