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Naina's pov

I was standing in front of my family.

Well, last night as dad had said that I had to be there at dinner, I was there. Dad's close friend Mr. Sanjay Malhotra, his wife and son Nikhil Malhotra were the guests. I had already met them six months ago when I was here and dad took me to a party.

My meeting with Nikhil was not good as I had slapped him for his misbehaviour with me in front of his friends.

But at dinner he was very nice to me.


Mom dad wanted me to be friends with Nikhil. I was shocked as dad was ok but mom, she had never allowed me to speak to a guy. That's why I talked very little with others.

It was after dinner when dad announced that he and Nikhil's family wants that I and Nikhil should get marry.
What the hell? 
I was shocked to hear this.

After Malhotra family left dad asked me if I was ready for marriage. I couraged to reply that I am not ready. I didn't want to marry so soon.

"How dare you to say no?", mom had slapped me.

"But... momm.."

"You said that she will be ready. What happened now, what will you say to your friend now." Mom had said to dad and he just looked at me silently.

"But mom dad.... i don't......"

"Not even a word Naina, you are going to marry him and thats it." She took me to my room and threw me at the floor.

I had cried over night and didn't sleep. And in the morning I was at a public library because I wanted to get some space from everyone.
But it was spoiled by Arjun Raichand.

I don't know what he was trying to do, but he was irritating me more than I was.

Added to my bad luck Shreya and Vikram found me and for the first time I really wanted to run from there but I gave up.

Now i am here,
"Where were you? Without my permission you went out of the house." Mom pulled my hair tightly and tears flowed down my eyes.

"Sheetal! Stop it, leave me and Naina alone for sometime." Dad said and mom and my siblings left from there.

I sat down with my legs folded leaning to the sofa. Dad came and sat down next to me.

"Why dad, atleast for one time you could ask me before announcing my marriage." I said criedly.

"Look at me Naina. I know you are angry and you should but plz listen to me once." He said and I looked at him.

"Naina you know very well that in this family you never get love and respect that you deserve and when Nikhil told me that he wants to marry you. I was happy to know that someone in this world wants you, loves you. Nikhil is a nice guy, after knowing him you will understand him dear. it is good for you." He felt silent for a minute and so was I.

"Naina you know I am not doing well these days. Besides this I have heart problem, if something happens to me, Sheetal will throw you out of this house and I don't want this to happen." There was a pause and he again said,
"But if you still think that I am wrong or that you are not ready then its ok. I would think that I am not a good father." His eyes were now teary.

I felt disgusted to see that I made my father, my only family cried.

He got up and helped me to got up.
"Now go and take rest and think about it." He was sad and I could see this through his eyes.

"No dad... no.. i am sorry, i really didn't know that you are doing this only for me. I don't have to think again, you have decide it for me then it is definitely ok for me too. I am ready, dad." I said and his eyes lit up.

"Are you serious."
I nodded and he hugged me. He was now smiling and I was happy to see him smile.

"Look Naina, your mother and sister will surely tried to stop this marriage because they don't want you to get marry a rich and handsome guy as Nikhil.. but promise me now you will not do anything by which this marriage breaks or I feel ashamed in front of my friend." He said sincerely and I promised him that I will surely marry to Nikhil but my heart was still not ready.

I knew it that for now I will feel nervous but after marrying Nikhil  I will surely be happy as my father has said.

Thanks for reading..
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