Me and You - Chapter 11

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The moment ended ubruptly. I felt myself sink down a little from that precious moment. I felt my mouth pull into a huge smile, and I looked up to see Patrick mirroring my expression. Heat ran into my cheeks and I looked away. His smile lit up my day, he lit up my day. It was like he was light at the end of the tunnel. My reward. Pete strolled casually into the room, having no idea what had happened only seconds before. I tried to give him a smile, but could feel the heat still in my cheeks. He chuckled a bit, and walked off down the corridor, probably going back to the living room. He swung back round the corner and looked at us.

"The clear-out people will be here in a bit. We can go check out this area once they're gone." I nodded my head. Finally outdoors. I normally would hate to be outside, I felt confused and strange. It wasn't like indoors, or the internet. If someone found you, you couldn't just block them and they'd disappear. At least indoors you could shut a door and keep them away, but outdoors? Anyone could get to me. Could chip away at me trying to break me apart. Trying to break me away from Patrick.

The heat in my cheeks began to fade. I felt the high begin to end, I started to walk back to my room. If we were going out, I'm not leaving like a mess. Despite that fact I'd look like one next to Patrick. I got three steps away.

"Leaving me already are you?" I knew he was joking, but I felt hurt.

"No! I would never."

"I know" his hand was around mine instantly, it was warm and comforting.

I gave his hand a squeeze before continuing towards my room. I closed my room door behind me as soon as I was in, thankful for the posters covering the glass. I breathed a sigh of relief. What have I done? I'm engaged to Patrick Stump. ENGAGED. E-N-G-A-G-E-D. I couldn't tell anyone, who would I tell. I grabbed my phone off the chest of drawers, twitter had gone crazy with one photo of Patrick and me that I had photoshopped months ago. I know I made it look real, but how gullible were some people? I saw the BBC had been broadcasting from near where I lived, Facebook had so many headlines. I didn't dare check the papers.

I hadn't noticed my other hand clench into a fist. I put the phone down before I broke it. I needed music. Something to relieve me. I walked to my bed and looked out the window. The blue sky looked so peaceful. I racked my brain for a song that reminded me of this moment. My mind clicked. I walked quickly to my door and jogged down the hallway to where Patrick was before. I saw him stood there, on his phone, probably doing a Q&A or something to calm the fans. I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards my room.

"Jesus. I didn't know you were this forward." He looked shocked and concerned by what I was doing. "I, uhh, didn't know you wanted that kind of thing so soon..." His voice was shakey.

"I'm not going to do that. As amazing as you are." We reached my room, and I stood him by the door. He looked confused. "Sing to me."

"Excuse me?"

"Sing to me. I'm not putting up with crumby versions on my phone when I can have the live thing."

"Only you would say that" he giggled and kissed me. "Okay, I'll sing something, just for you. Now get on with what you were doing." I began to walk into my room and he started to follow.

"No no, no no. You stay here." He nodded in understanding.

I walked in and felt a smile grow across my face as I heard the few words I'd been dreaming to here him say to me:

"Let's be alone together..."


It's evening for me xD

Anyway! I've been very busy doing various charity things, and now I have a 2 month break (except for my birthday in like 3 weeks). My summer is almost over, and so, let's continue this where it left off! I hope you guys are still reading this! I'm enjoying writing. I love reading your comments, feel free to comment any opinions, or message me for any ideas you have.

Oh, I'm going to start a new fanfiction too! I'm not sure if I should do it on Syndicate, or Nadeshot (not two of my favourite youtubers or anything)! Anyway, your opinions would be appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

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