Maybe It's Love

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 If you liked her in the first sight and if she liked you too when she first saw you, and if you call this "love at first sight" real love, then maybe you might be wrong and misunderstood. Because when we see something for the first time, we even like antiques which we keep at home just to show off. 

If you both talk to each other staying up late at nights, and if you call these conversations love, then maybe you might be wrong and misunderstood. Because even two strangers even talk to each other because of loneliness.

If she holds your hand because she sees another girl or if you hold hers because you see a boy, and if you call this cute jealousy love, then maybe you might be wrong and misunderstood. Because free birds and beings are caught, held, kept close just to be kept in cages and not to let them be or have freedom.

If you both start to understand what you are trying to say to each other or just because if you start understanding each other, and if you's calling this mutual understanding love, then maybe you might be wrong and misunderstood. Because even two homeless hungry people can understand each others hunger but can never make it go away.

If you celebrate your anniversary every month, and if you're calling this cute tradition love, then maybe you might be wrong and misunderstood. Because real and true love does not need a number or time to celebrate love. The little things that you do are all the proof you need to tell your world that you love this person.

If only because you're in his insta story and she's on your snap story, and if you're calling this love, then maybe you might be wrong and misunderstood. Because real love cannot be saved with filters and pictures. It can only be lived in those moments and then remembered in your heart for a lifetime.

But if you want to get in her / his mind and heart before you get in her / his pants, if she / he wants and does act freely and carelessly with and in front of you, if you want to reveal all about yourself before you reveal their body and if he / she reveals all her fears and past in front and to you, if all her / his tears always land on your shoulders, if the reason of your smiles is they way he / she acts and does things, then maybe, maybe, not maybe dummy this is love. And if you've found this love then hold it, embrace it, fight for it, and whenever you get he chance just keep telling it and explaining it and meaning it, how much you love her / him.

Because to find this kind of love, you spend a lot of the time in your precious life which isn't that long.

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