Something Original

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Why can't I? I don't even know why but why can't I get over you? Its been about 3 months since we broke up and you're already happy with him. Why am I still on you? What makes me still attached to you? I mean, yeah we only dated for a short time - for you that is, for me we dated for about 10 months - but I told you I loved you and I meant that shit. I loved you with all my heart and did so fucking much for you, why in the living fuck did you even cheat on me? What's worse is that I don't understand why I even trusted you again why I was even with you for months after that. You told me you loved me and we were going to be together forever and then a week later, you're out here making out with this other guy... How? How do you even do that? How can you tell someone you love them and then go make out with someone else..? Why did you do this to me? In this generation, 5 days is enough to get over someone you loved and then instantly love another soul. That's not love rather lust. That's not reality either. That's just lies..

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