Faked It

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Me - Will you go out with me?
Her - Yes. :*

Him - I miss you...
Her - I miss you too. I want to move on but I can't.

Her - I love you
Me - I love you too babe.

Him - I sill have feelings for you...
Her - I think I'm still in love with you too. But what about her?
Him - I'll break up with her.
Her - I'll say I want to take a break to him.

Her - I want to take a break. Im still not over him..
Me - Okay. I understand. I just want to know if you're gonna come back to me of him.
Her - Yeah..

What I don't understand is, why would you even say yes to go out with someone when you're in love with someone else? You can't do that. That's not how it works. You can't be in love with two people. Thats cheating. Its basically like putting a piece of metal between two magnets. The two magnets are him and me and the metal is her. You're basically attracted to both people but you go to the one that is more stronger. You can walk away anytime the stronger one gets weak because of you and the other one looks more powerful and attractive. You can't do that. You shouldn't have said yes in the first place if you were still in love with him. Its not fair. Her I'm thinking about you at night and loving you and bringing you flowers and gifts and there you're basically cheating on me emotionally. I would've been better off if you would've just said no and told me you weren't ready instead of hurting. You hurt two people for your happiness. How selfish. I would've understood and waited patiently or even moved on if you told me we were never going to happen instead of giving me false hope. You can't just say that me asking you out was a chance given by god to you at love because guess what, you're still in love with someone else. Its not fair. Its not how the world works. How do you even claim to be in love with someone else in a matter of a week? Thats not love. Thats not even lust. Thats just selfishness. Why do you want to be in a relationship so bad? Anyways, thank you for breaking me into more pieces. Just what I needed.

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