Your Voice

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I called today. I didn't want to talk. I don't know why I called you. I guess I just wanted to hear your voice again after all this time. You sounded happy. Why wouldn't you be. You deserve happiness. I'm happy for you. I just wish you were still mine. But honestly, I know I don't deserve you. You're too good to be with me. I'm sorry for acting the way I acted and for being the way I was being but I was hurt and all I could do, was to watch you walk away rather push you away while being tied to a chair. It frustrated me that I couldn't do anything and that's why I walked away, rather walked out. I don't like to give up on anything or anyone. I finish what I started and I never walk out but you wanted me and needed me to stop loving you and that's the only way I know how to. I know sorry doesn't even cover half of it but that's all I can say and do. I'm sorry for ever coming back into your life. You always regretted letting me back in anyways. I just thought I was doing a good thing coming back in because we both were happy when together.

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