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What is a heart and what is love? A heart is the thing that gives people life. That's why we trust them to the people we love. What is love tho? Is love what you see in movies or what you read in a book? I think books and movies are just ways to show that you love someone, love is the want to make the person happy and safe... it's the want to give them everything they didn't have... it is the want and need to hold some closer than others... it's when you try to take the pain away from them... true love is hard to find. The even harder thing is to find someone that will truly love you back. Even when we find someone who we love more than everyone else it doesn't mean that we will get that love back. When you love someone that is when a heart is formed every person you care about gets a separate heart that is shared between each other and when you take all of those hearts together it forms your heart. Some people make up more of your heart than other people. But when you love someone enough to be to be with them and you truly love them they make up more of your heart than anyone else. This is an amazing thing until that person doesn't want to be with you anymore. When this happens that part of your heart breaks. This part of your heart is like Clay if it is still what then it can be put back together but if it is dry then it will shatter and never be able to be put back together. When this happens time will sweep up the pieces and you should try to form a new one with some else and have it be the best of you have ever had. The hard part is knowing if it is still wet enough to remake. That is what love is to me and how it works

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