Chapter 6

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I woke up at seven fifty again. When I woke, my whole body was in pain. I literally could not move without having pain in my sides and head.

"Mom!" I called out. "Mom!" I coughed and wheezed. "Get your ass up here!"

My mom came running into the room. "Iris? Iris! What's wrong?!" she asked frantically, her eyes filled with worry.

I coughed. "Everything hurts like fucking hell." I groaned. "Sorry for the language."

I tried to sit up which caused me more pain. "It's fine, sweetie. Iris you need to lay down and stop moving."

I fell back down to my bed and had one hand on my head and the other on my side. "Get me an ice pack please."

My head was throbbing and I was in so much pain. I didn't understand why. I didn't hurt nearly as much as I did the first day.

My mom came back in the room with a wet wash cloth and and ice pack. "Here, put the rag on your side and ice pack on your head. Or wherever it hurts the most."

I took the ice pack and put it on my head like she said. "I'm going to call the school. You're not going today. You just can't."

"Thanks," I told her, genuinely grateful. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to stop.


Levi's POV

"Oi! Levi!" I heard a girl voice yell. I knew it was Mikasa's. Oh the absolute joy I feel when I hear her voice.

"What?" I asked turning around to face her. Her black eyes were glaring into mine. "What are you mad about? I didn't beat up your precious little boyfriend today."

Her face reddened. "Wha... WE'RE NOT DATING!!" she yelled.

"Keep telling yourself that." I started to walk away when she called my name again.

"Where is Iris?" she asked.

"How am I supposed to fucking know? I'm not telepathic or some shit like that."

She looked more pissed off every time I said something. "She told me, Eren, and Armin that you were her partner for one of your classes."

I stared at her. "So? If you're going to waste my time asking-"

"So if she isn't here today, something must've happened. Did you beat her up again? Cause I swear if you did I will hurt you again."

I scoffed. "First off, you didn't even hurt me. You gave me a small fucking bruise, that's it. Second, I didn't do anything to her."

She gave me a skeptical look. "Why do you even care?" I asked. I really wanted to punch her, but I did my best not to.

"Oh I don't," she replied. "But Eren does, and if he does, I'll try to care."

I really wanted to punch her at this point. She acted like she cared about Iris when in reality, she doesn't give a fuck. It made me sick.

What am I saying?

"You really are a bitch, Mikasa," I spat walking away from her.

"At least I'm not going to act like I care when I don't," she called out. I stopped in my tracks. "I'm trying to get along with her you know."

I scoffed. "Yet you say you don't have a thing for Eren. He's not just family and you know it." I walked away from her sick of the conversation we were having.


"Good afternoon class~" Ms. Hanji greeted in a sing-song voice.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Hanji," half of the class mimicked back.

Flowers and Jeans [Modern Day Levi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now